Old Timer Had The Secrets | Trout Fishing |  Lower Twin Lakes | Bridgeport California

Old Timer Had The Secrets | Trout Fishing | Lower Twin Lakes | Bridgeport California

Trout West

2 года назад

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@craftytraveler9238 - 22.08.2022 18:38

One of my favorite places, Bridgeport area. I am 71 yr old lady, and I have been fishing Robinson creek and the lakes since I was 6yrs old. I will be up there after Labor Day. I will be staying at the Lower Twin Lakes resort. I like fishing a worm with a water bubble too.

@pgfishing9925 - 22.08.2022 19:13

Is there some kind of inlet or fresh water coming in from somewhere into the lake? I’ve never fished it and have always wanted to

@davezubi1304 - 22.08.2022 19:53

How do you get the rooster tail far out there since it’s so light?

@donaldstephensen8654 - 22.08.2022 22:07

Just got home from bridgeport twin lakes..took my float tube got some big ones lower twin...

@HuckOutdoors - 22.08.2022 22:40

Man he had some good stories to tell and we caught a few as well listening in. Good times bud!

@NoBrakes23 - 22.08.2022 22:48

I thought I was an impatient weirdo for not using Bait-n-wait set ups, but this guy stated it just about the way I feel. I keep swearing I will make use of my 2 rod permit by setting up one B'n'W and throwing a spoon or soft bait with the other rod, but I usually end up just casting and retrieving.

The old timer mentioned Basque food. I just found out this year on a Reno/Tahoe/Bridgeport/Silver Lake/Convict trip about the Basque history up in Nevada. I didn't realize it went as far south as Gardnerville. There's so much fascinating stuff up and down 395.

@searchforthetruth1 - 23.08.2022 20:09

What ya plan on doing now that the Colorado is running dry.

@MinuteontheMountain - 24.08.2022 18:21

Nice catches. Never too old to learn something new.

@davidf2699 - 27.08.2022 21:21

I agree with the old timer, I love chucking metal!

@user-wg5hj4ys2e - 04.10.2022 04:10

HEY BRO...... try using your clear sink able bobber. Add bb`s, to sink slowly. ( PERFECT )

@debbiemiller8018 - 12.10.2022 19:51

Well I'm 66 and I love Twin Lakes we went there 23 years in a row it's my favorite place

@gladegoodrich2297 - 01.12.2022 08:20

Years ago the sporting goods store in Bridgport had a 30 pounder in a chest freezer.
Said it was caught in twin lakes?

@theguitfiddler6111 - 08.03.2023 14:03

The last time i was there was around 1999 we would go every year i would use an olive metuka with a clear bubble 6 foot leader i learned that from this old timer but i think that setup got played out i remember my reel broke in 1995 i was so excited about what i learned i bought one of the high priced reels at the bait shop had that thing many years

@uncleknife9887 - 19.06.2023 21:07

Huck > Lee Wulff

@justinmartinez680 - 15.08.2023 21:21

What bait do you use?

@mobiltec - 20.12.2023 04:28

I've been using Mepps 3 BG spinning lures for decades...

@Wright6994 - 28.04.2024 21:09

Beautiful lake

@ronengle9524 - 29.05.2024 01:55

That dude seriously needs a pair of handcuffs.

@yardboy3955 - 05.06.2024 16:11

Enjoyed your video, just a nice day at Bridgeport, thanks

@CrazyFacts-j5l - 08.07.2024 20:35

A really good spot it’s not in the lake if u go straight then you’ll see this creek it is packed with fish and not a lot of ppl go I caught 6 fish in under 10 mins

@donaldperson948 - 25.08.2024 07:07

Try pro cure

@bo.daddy.jenglies - 17.10.2024 21:14

This older guy knows what’s up - as a Basque guy JT Bar has some good food - there’s also a new spot in town that teeters more along the Basque fusion line

@marshallperrigo849 - 05.02.2025 03:43

