Radio Shack Commercial for Color Computer 2

Radio Shack Commercial for Color Computer 2

Internet Lurker

15 лет назад

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@farcher3 - 24.10.2010 07:02

Wow! Thanks for this upload. I always thought that it was a good computer but it was competitively pushed against the Commodore 64 and Atari ST by Radio Shack Corp. It seemed like the secondary computer. It was a solid computer though and a family could have run their household business and school needs on it easily with the software package available for it. Thanks again for the memories!

@jameswasil - 29.12.2010 15:47

This was a fantastic computer. I got the Color Computer 3 as a gift in 1986 at the end of the year and loved it. It was my pride and joy for years to come. I got to use this system above, the Coco2 in 1991 thanks to a friend who had an extra one before they upgraded to their Coco3 who let me borrow it. The GIME chip was a huge advancement for the CoCo, and it really did have a 256 color mode that had been rumored (Wikipedia needs to be updated; a guy named John implemented it at CocoFest2010).

@Bernie3000 - 26.08.2011 21:54

Great quality on that commercial! Our family had that "computer". Be we won it. We didn't pay for it.

@EricStringer - 28.11.2011 01:33

It was my first Color computer 2 was my first computer, started with it connected to our home TV. wrote basic programs and then had to turn it off lost everything. Moved up to a cassette player to save and load programs. By the time I was ready to move on. I had expanded it to the max, with a Hard drive and ran a BBS under a Unix like OS called "OS-9". I programmed it at first with basic and assembly, moved up to C. Hardware hacked the computer, to run a laser light show.

@BlargKing - 05.11.2012 07:40

This thing cost 150$ when it came out. Now it costs 200$ off ebay because its "vintage"

@Astech31 - 25.11.2012 15:56

My first computer. Had a book you had to copy line by line to gt it to do anything. And if you spent 2 hours typing and missed ONE space or letter, nothing. Then you go watch the weather channel and listen to the music. Ahhh the 80s

@michaelhfinkel - 24.04.2013 09:14

music was done at Buffalo Sound Studio in Ft. Worth, TX

@elithecat - 18.06.2013 00:33

Thanks. I'll add it

@stonent - 31.07.2017 07:51

CoCo Master Race

@coolduder1001 - 02.03.2019 01:59

Damn, someone had cable in the 80s, it's so clear

@alexabadi7458 - 29.01.2022 03:20

I just upgraded mine with CocoVGA high resolution video, a multi pack interface, a double disk FD501 drive.
That give this computer a second life !

@LegitMan335 - 30.06.2022 22:59

Color computer 2 030

@Josh-le6lu - 16.02.2024 16:32

Whoa, Internet Lurker!
