How the Next Big Solar Panel Tech is Already Here

How the Next Big Solar Panel Tech is Already Here

Undecided with Matt Ferrell

4 месяца назад

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@AndrewFuller-xk2lc - 03.03.2025 20:42

How bendable in two planes is cdte?

@QocaryanKesoyan - 03.03.2025 16:48

Закрыть 😊

@nathanfisher6925 - 26.02.2025 03:45

I'm shocked that polycrystalline is still so popular. I've always seen that as the "garbage" or "previous gen" solar, with significantly lower efficiency. Are there just a lot of old panels still in service?

And why do you care so much about open-circuit voltage? (Voc) What COUNTS is maximum power point voltage. (Vmpp) A lower Voc (that didn't also impact Vmpp) would allow you to safely run more panels in series on a given controller.

@norwegianzound - 26.02.2025 02:15

Don't forget to jump in the comments.

@renebest-xi9mn - 25.02.2025 00:09

this tech is now overtaken by a genuis from Philippines making solar panels from vegetable scrapes producing energy even without much sunlight

@julieferguson9986 - 21.02.2025 19:41

Do these panels use any silver?

@patricklilly7168 - 19.02.2025 16:58

Great video- it would be great if you could do another video about some emerging energy technology called Microsonic energy -with inventor Maxwell Chikumbutso in Zimbabwe

@aaronsmith593 - 17.02.2025 10:36

When solar manufacturer doesn't use their own panels on their own roof, then you shouldn't buy from them either.

@GeoffMcMahon - 16.02.2025 14:19

Tell your audience that solar panel manufacturing has already consumed 17% of all known rare earth minerals world wide

@russellkeeling4387 - 12.02.2025 02:21

The solar panels aren't the problem with current solar systems, the batteries are.

@homeape. - 11.02.2025 05:35

it's electroN volts, not electrovolts
as in the energy of a 1e charged particle over a 1V potential difference

@bobwhite9670 - 29.01.2025 19:36

If you guys had used the time and money in promoting and improving nuclear power just imagine how far ahead we would be now? Solar is a waste of good time and money. It is at best a small fill in occasionally. It only takes one rock to destroy a solar panel and hail comes sooner or later. You are stealing tax dollars for zero return. Get shut of it and do something meaningful.

@PalmerWoods2 - 28.01.2025 01:33

Most people venture into solar, renewable energy and EV charging station investments just to be millionaires, meanwhile I just want to be debt free

@Kath-c6c - 25.01.2025 22:04

I’d be afraid to breath any water that rolls off my roof!

@KK-vu9sg - 24.01.2025 23:12

U.S. solar industry would benefit greatly if First Solar prioritized technological improvement and price competitiveness over protectionist lobbying.

@andywurst4873 - 23.01.2025 02:25

ironic that this "renewable" is the worst recoverable panel. Also the chemicals are hazardous - keep them away from hail. Note: you didn't mention what the 10% non-recycled materials. My guess is glass and aluminum are the main components of the 90% - omitting facts is less than honest.

@kenj1261 - 19.01.2025 15:29

What if any impact does cdte have on the amount of silver used?

@timothyjohnson1511 - 19.01.2025 15:25

See the September 26, 2024 demonstration of zero-point energy by Andrea Rossi in Latina Italy.

@Richardwwilliams97 - 19.01.2025 12:38

What is the waste product toxicity am chemical left after the recycled process an how bad long term is it

@aflemin8 - 16.01.2025 21:05

First Solar’s CdTe panels main advantage is US subsidies and tariff protection. Silicon panels are better on a cost per watt basis and are getting even better.

@Bruce_Quin - 16.01.2025 08:18

Did he say ketamine? Noice!

@GIOVANNIBLAZE - 16.01.2025 03:39

What is with health risks?

@litestuffllc7249 - 06.01.2025 14:41

The real key is Lithium battery pacs - the more battery pacs you make the fewer cars you can make. if you used every ounce of lithium just to make cars; you could make 15 million Ys a year, to replace the 1.5 billion light vehicles would take 100 years, then you need another 100 years to do the trucks. If every BEV is going to need just 1 full charge for 5 days - then you must add 20% to those figures - 120 years/220 years, if you need 1 charge a day 200 years/400 years - that doesn't count lithium for 1 billion cell phones each year, millions of laptops and tablets, portable power tools, etc etc - You could give solar panels away and it wouldn't fix anything - BEVS and solar do not work because lithium doesn't work.

@joshuabrunette5247 - 01.01.2025 21:49

and yet under demcrats we are sending billions to CHina to support the development of there solar panel programs. Buy and support American, free thinking companies instead of communist controlled CCP companies. Past time to decouple from the CCP puppet country.

@randysonnicksen9475 - 31.12.2024 21:17

Speaking of recycling...this seems like a recycled video. Many references to "by 2025" which was on the doorstep 2 months ago when this video was posted.

@fco.javierserrano6231 - 30.12.2024 13:30

This video smells like marketing

@michaelpowell7120 - 25.12.2024 08:46

talk faster

@Kwu99 - 18.12.2024 22:29

Thanks god in Europe we have a very strict regulation called REACH to limit the usage of toxic material for their entire life of usage, including recycling phase. Cadmium, for that extend, is a complete NO GO, and this is good news. USA, on the other hands, never carred much about environment, and prove it again with CDTE. Keep your toxic panels for yourself, thank you.

@freedomexpress9341 - 18.12.2024 19:20

Problem is the economics of recycling CdTe cell is very challenging. It can be done but you will lose money doing that, and hard to find offtakers.

@mhparandeh1 - 14.12.2024 16:00

Matt your videos are really cool, please make more videos about Photovoltaics especially new fields like Agrivoltaics or Floatovoltaics or even recycling Solar Panels. However; there's one thing and please don't talk so fast, we are not in a hurry and want to interperate and learn something!! Please speak slower , keep going mate, thanks

@muresandani - 14.12.2024 12:14

The year is 2024. Humans now use gadgets to remind them to perform basic bodily function like drinking water.

@martinnymann3938 - 14.12.2024 11:39

really well done! But i would love to hear the overall pricing between the two solutions

@felixlafleurie7856 - 10.12.2024 12:26

Reden in France....

@zeroonexxxxxxx2353 - 10.12.2024 10:37

Some tips for Bharat's mines ministry:
1. Te in Cdte is a byproduct from copper mines. What we learn is when you mine, identify all materials that come up.
2. The process of doing mentioned in this video. Such techniques are to be encouraged

@laurenanderson9025 - 10.12.2024 02:26

So the most cost-effective PV technology, based on silicon, is also the most popular. Weird how free market economics lets the cream rise to the top, benefiting consumers. Now, let's talk about the actual efficiency of PV panels which require you to sacrifice much of the power generated to store in expensive batteries in order to provide power any time it's needed (like after the sun sets) as efficiently and reliably as, say, a grid-scale natural gas power plant.

@JanetTrout-x7z - 09.12.2024 16:07

My body has this neat built in water reminder- thirst.

@jimmimak - 08.12.2024 13:31

NASA has prototype solar panels with selenium layers transparent to infra-red and multiple band gaps so they can absorb more wavelengths while avoiding overheating problems. The efficiency is over 30%, in theory it can be higher than 40%. Any solar cell with efficiencies above ~24% will be blocked from commercial use by the patent office and government under national security and secrecy order. If it's better than what the military has, you can't have it.

@4NTii-k7w - 04.12.2024 18:53

My father was a physician in the thinfilm solar industry in germany. I said "he was" because our german goverment goverment didnt subsidize it while china massively did and now germany not only lost its leading position in the worldmarket, lost the production to china but also gifted them our know how. Dont be fools like us germans :)

@kauaikit - 04.12.2024 02:38

WAIT.....I've got another 30 years on my current panels! Ha

@george4vIogging - 04.12.2024 01:42

Quite a slick advert for first solar !

@garrygballard8914 - 04.12.2024 00:06

Matt; How about a video showing the best solar panels on the market and there comparisons from each other. Price power out put etc..

@michaelclement1337 - 03.12.2024 14:18

What about a dual layer, one layer of silicon and one of CTec? Are they working at different frequencies?

@lunatect2344 - 03.12.2024 08:18

So you say the current CdTe needs 1/3 more space due to efficiency vs silicon panels. You did not mention how much lighter a similar size panel would be. Is it close to 1/3 less material? 1/3 lighter? If so then it's only a space issue. Scale/Cost of materials is a different issue. I do appreciate the option. Thanks Matt. I'm right there with you owning our fashionable hair styles too!

@markjohnson3279 - 01.12.2024 23:46

Where is the link for Larq? Do descriptions not show on an iPad?

- 01.12.2024 13:23

Nothing earth shattering here...

@FreedomTalkMedia - 30.11.2024 03:12

What about the efficiency in terms of dollars per MW of power? Also, how does the capacity factor vary with the solar intensity?

@adamkiddle - 29.11.2024 00:01

perovskite-on-silicon is by far the more sustainable method to increase PV efficiency. Cadmium Telluride is far harder, and more costly to come by. Perovskite is synthesised and not mined or extracted from the Earth's crust. I recommend researching the work of Oxford PV. Really encouraging work they're doing.
