Composition and framing for film. RULE OF THIRDS vs THE GOLDEN RATIO. Cinematic aspect ratios.

Composition and framing for film. RULE OF THIRDS vs THE GOLDEN RATIO. Cinematic aspect ratios.


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@CuriousWanderer_ - 03.01.2019 12:32

I'm not really into photography and when I discovered the Rule of Thirds, it helped me plan out the scenery of my drawings and sample shots.

Then now, that I discovered the Phi Grid, it opened a new door for me. I have now a clear idea on how I could make my shots/scenes better.

I will use both depending on the situation. Phi grid looks more appealing so it would be better when showing off the environment while the Rule of Thirds gives more emphasis to something so ot would be better to use this if what I picture in mind is somewhat narrative.

This is very educational. Thank you very much~!

@Burgattti - 04.01.2019 20:38

Subbed, answered just what I wanted with a bit of extra Trivia but nothing off the point!
back to revision... sigh...

@GeezerDust - 08.01.2019 16:51

I find myself drawn to the rule of thirds more often regardless of the aspect ratio. However, think I will experiment more with the golden ratio in the future. Could be a useful tool as well. Thanks for adding to my bucket of knowledge.

@Gpeixoto98 - 22.03.2019 23:58

On the second example, the Phi Grid just works well for horizontal purposes. That's because the horizontal lines were the only ones that were not stretched, thus maintaining the golden ratio as it should've been for them. Since the verticals were stretched, it transformed into a totally different proportion and lost the golden ratio

@panaceas2544 - 14.04.2019 17:25

Rules of thirds gives a more common feel, down to earth feeling, while golden ratio gives a mystical transcendent vibe to it.

@VRBHZY - 05.05.2019 12:32

I think Golden Ratio suits For Video and Rule of thirds suits for Photo.

@randomguy9118 - 31.07.2019 04:19

Most movies are shot in 2.39:1 or 21:9 not 2.35:1

@Okan_YILMAZ - 13.08.2019 16:48

One of the informative video on this subject I have seen. Thanks.

@mindmeldlearning8497 - 20.08.2019 02:52

for me it depends on the subject, if its a pure landscape then rule of thrids looks better but if there is a subject that is a person Phi looks better

@lennyl.1065 - 14.09.2019 22:24

I find a preference in both but for specific composition... Golden ratio overall but I can see the rule of thirds come forth if the lower thirds or perhaps one side of the third (or 1/3 of the image) is a flat/simple image covering the area eg no ppl, or just ocean, same part of landscape weather to be a tree strictly/mainly or the mountain......

@southernsoundpulse - 02.12.2019 04:40

Exceptional video! Thanks for sharing !

@kaushdissanayake2801 - 18.02.2020 05:00

Thank you :)

@erikd.944 - 12.03.2020 03:33

Have you ever done a video on the use of the Phi grid and Fibonacci sequence in the Netflix show The OA?

@mathewsalliedinteriors752 - 25.03.2020 18:56

Excellent video..... thank you dear....

@ExperimentProject5 - 11.05.2020 12:39

This is great video, great presentation. Very well done!

@andersistbesser - 17.05.2020 22:27

The phi grid looks much better to me. This makes me thinking..

@oblivion1501 - 25.07.2020 12:33

as you said, rule of thirds on a landscape or minimal shot with nothing to focus feels like it tries to make you focus onto something but not sure what. at the same time phi grid does absolutely stunning job with such scenes, it almost makes me zone out while watching the scene in kinda good way.

@FullTekAuto - 31.07.2020 23:05

Phi grid looks better for cinematography

Rule of thirds shots look better for photography. They remind me of paintings and motivational posters

@nilsstabler2056 - 30.10.2020 18:05

Mistaken the fibonacci spiral for golden spiral here. Golden ratio is a different proportion

@RavindraManikJadhav - 01.11.2020 12:32

Best video

@tiesthijsthejs - 19.11.2020 13:16

What this made clear to me is how I can’t sense a preference, it shifts with context. Which means I’m not always into the golden ratio I guess....

@GizmoDrones - 30.12.2020 17:38

Excellent comparison

@grandmothersapplepie - 13.03.2021 23:53

Big yes for Phi / Golden ratio. 16:9 easier or more pleasing to the eye. As Rule of thirds seems to suck some of the life out of the composition.

@tanvirkabir2767 - 30.03.2021 20:52

I'm totally amazed to see the amount of details and efforts u put on this video! This video really helps me to understand the differences. Thanks.
And of course I'm gonna subscribe to be in touch to see the other contents of yours.❤️❤️

@bravozulu428 - 06.04.2021 20:37

Phi Grid - in most of the examples

@adityacreations5990 - 18.04.2021 20:42

Your concepts are very clear. God bless from India.

@UMS9695 - 25.06.2021 20:58

The golden ratio makes for a more pleasant and attractive composition.

@afrosymphony8207 - 02.07.2021 07:57

so happy i found this gem!! the phi grid is really superior at 2.35 to 1 no question there for me

@moderationjpk1 - 24.07.2021 21:45

The best video ever about some important rules of composition!

@mcneilbelle - 05.10.2021 15:27

Is there a way that we can get the golden ratio on our mirrorless camera or is there a hack
To get it I want to start framing my video using the golden ratio if you know any way please help this was an fantastic video

@cdarchvisualization - 25.11.2021 06:27

thank you sir! finally understood the golden ratio and rule of thirds. very comprehensive and clear examples!

@axond636 - 30.01.2022 14:04

Interesting to note also, that 3:2 or 1.66:1 is actually the classic cinema aspect ratio that’s the closest to the proportions of the golden cut (the shining was shot in this for example). So if you are looking for an aspect ratio in which the Phi Grid works even better, it’s worth giving that one a shot!

@Geostationary0rbit - 26.04.2022 15:23

Thanks for putting this together, Ive found my self coming back to this video over the past couple of days to reference it, cheers!

@AlinaMinkova - 16.06.2022 13:08

Very interesting content thank you! For me I found golden ratio more beautiful for 16*9, it looked more natural somehow, but for wider format I prefered the rule of thirds as it seemed more balanced. Super cool comparison!

@juanmnuneznoya2675 - 28.06.2022 04:12

Best video Ive seen about this topic. Thank you!

@comovidro - 26.07.2022 18:33

excelent video

@user-rd6jt3op8p - 03.10.2022 03:34

On my experience, 16:9 the phi grid felt like if the focus went to one single object whereas the rule of thirds felt like if the focus was spread across all the elements in the picture
happens the complete opposite on 2.35:1, phi felt like someone moved the camera accidentally but rule of thirds made it feel like a normal shot

@akshayravi4406 - 06.01.2023 12:42

Awesome video...thankyou sir ❤️❤️

@JoeldelaCruz - 14.02.2023 23:12

Thank you for this video. I recently acquired a smartphone with a the Golden Ratio grid option as well as my regularly used Rule of Thirds grid on previous phones and dSLRs.

I enjoyed and learned your comparison in this video and I am drawn to the Phi Grid which I'll start using on my smatphone from now on.

Your fan and new subscriber from Sydney, Australia

@JimmyRogando - 25.02.2023 11:08

How about 4x4 grid. My camera doest have 3x3 grid

@denizkavuk5594 - 08.08.2023 13:07

Thank You!

@javiuli - 19.10.2023 01:51

THANKS GOD FOR THIS VIDEO!!!! now i understand why the rule of thirds looks so rigid and the shoots that i shot didn't look the way i wanted and i have seen in films. Definitely i'm a prayer of golden ratio

@theshaktinath - 28.12.2023 13:37

wow! Thanks,you even play guitar...

@JerrodBoling - 29.07.2024 00:03

I really enjoyed this video as you went over the different ways of looking at a frame. I definitely love the golden ratio I've fallen in love with it. I can see the difference. I feel like if you tell the movie through the center rectangle that's the most important thing to do and then everything else accompanies the center . The shot with the two people at the table at two different ends of it. Even though the sinner shot would be just an empty table, that is actually the best way to tell that story in that frame. Golden ratio tells stories.

@gabriel-mckee - 18.11.2024 01:05

great video
