Milestone Mindset: A Better Way to Set Achievable Goals | Location Rebel

Milestone Mindset: A Better Way to Set Achievable Goals | Location Rebel

Location Rebel

4 года назад

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@mikegoncalves4885 - 11.05.2020 19:30

Great stuff here Sean... it's all about the small steps and focusing on what we can control for sure. Thanks for this man!

@MunirBandali - 11.05.2020 19:32

Thank you, Sean, just what I needed to hear.

@ImpossibleHQ - 11.05.2020 20:37

One day we want to do a LR + Impossible crossover video...

@wheelsnwarriors7166 - 11.05.2020 21:49

This is one of my favorites videos you've done. Those ideas give me hope and make me feel better about myself.

@suishouyuki - 12.05.2020 00:02

Thanks SO MUCH for making this sound exciting and doable! Usually videos and articles on goal setting leave me feeling stressed.

@catmartindale-vale8749 - 12.05.2020 03:42

The save looks cute... Great video, thanks for sharing

@abdulrazzaqailokpede6003 - 12.05.2020 14:50

What have I still been doing wrong... Still yet to get my first client and that sucks💔💔💔.. I'm stuck and don't know wat steps to take anymore 😢

@sassy0010 - 14.05.2020 22:54

Good going, Sean, but before setting an initial goal of your first letter of intro, you need SAMPLES of your work, to show you've got the experience they're looking for. As a client, this is what I would ask of you before anything: Show me what you've done so I know you can provide it to me.

@KeithSoOfficial - 15.05.2020 11:40

absolutely. I still haven't got my first client but I'm still completing the task I've set for myself.
I'll take it at my own pace and won't be too stressed about it.

@kushmeshsharma873 - 19.05.2020 18:34

Hello Mr. Locational Rebel
Thanks for uploading such good contents for helping us
I wanted a small favour can you please help me to persue my career in copywriting personally.....
I promise it will not go in vein. I will help you with new ideas as I am from India and it's a huge market from which we learn lots of lessons..... I just don't know how to persue a career in this field.
I will be really thankful to you for your guidance..

@evanwalton5965 - 19.05.2020 23:23

Sean! This was an awesome video. I really agree with your approach when it comes to having milestone goals and measuring progress and effort. That's so huge and we all have to work on that. Thanks for putting out awesome content that provides value. I'm looking to become a freelance copywriter and so I enjoy following you.

@nadia8370 - 09.09.2021 02:12

Thank you for sharing! I’ve been in a mindset of feeling stuck before even starting due to having so much ideas and things I want to accomplish but no ground base for what’s the first step. This helped a ton!
