Why Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered Changed My View of Connor

Why Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered Changed My View of Connor

Kesslers Arcade

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@Darren-sn4ki - 27.07.2022 01:19

I’m playing this game right now on PS4 remastered it’s amazing story and game

@hylohsyoutube - 27.07.2022 04:16

Ac3 was my first assassins creed game and I love it

@mafeweigel - 27.07.2022 05:47

Connor is a wonderful and complex character and I still don’t understand why the hate. People saw him as a whiny little brat and he is far from that. He was outspoken of the injustices his people and himself were victims of and he did everything in his power to protect them. He recognized the mistakes he made by helping the ones that were causing those injustices, which makes me think he has pride, but he is no proud. Not to mention Connor strengthened the brotherhood in North America.
He was awesome. He deserved better.

Not to mention that his fighting skills were fenomenal.

@DontTazeThisHebrew - 27.07.2022 16:41

Conors people would be WHO HIS FATHER IS..

@Miguelnumbers - 28.07.2022 12:24

What weirds me out about Connor's hate is that... well, why do they hate Connor but like Altair? they're similar.

@Zombies12344bc - 29.07.2022 06:39

I see why Connor didn’t trust templars though after what they did to his people he really did think his father was a monster we all know there’s evil and good on both templars and asssasins Elise was a good Templar for a example didn’t hurt no asssasin

@yeastarly4268 - 30.07.2022 07:10

I like Connor the game itself to me is just very dull

@6120mcghee - 30.07.2022 15:41

Connor is the BEAST of the entire AC series.

@diobuthesconfused7507 - 01.08.2022 17:55

assassins creed 3 introduced me to the series so he holds a special place in my heart

@ericchung3177 - 03.08.2022 03:30

I NEVER understood the "You only hated Connor because he wasn't Ezio!" excuse, considering people almost universally loved playing as Haytham all the way back when the game first released.

He was essentially the polar opposite of Ezio and yet his section of the game was a lot of peoples favorite part of 3, and a lot of people even said they would've preferred more of the game with him involved. Haytham was only in about half of one game, the latter of which as a villain, and yet he's still one of the more beloved characters to come out of the entire colonial era of the games.

I think people had actual dislikes of Connor specifically as a character, be it related to his personality or to his place in the overarching story. I loved Connor from the get-go so obviously I disagree with most of the criticisms, but to just dismiss peoples opinions as "ZOMG YOU JUST WANTED EZIO AGAIN" just seems overly simplistic and needlessly dismissive.

@blairwardle4714 - 03.08.2022 09:45

I know one thing being a AC FAN! This Game in particular done so very right, would make an amazing T.V series! I could see either, Liam Neeson. Ralph Fiennes. Daniel Craig or even kevin Costner one of those four playing Haytham Kenway. Jason Isaacs was perfected in "The Patriot" he could play that exact same character and be Charles Lee, Just some suggestions.

@stealthkillz3114 - 03.08.2022 19:27

I think its really because we are older, more mature so we can understand who he is, what he stood and fought for. The game came out when we were little kids and young teenagers so, many of us didn't fully comprehend what AC3 was and is supposed to be.

Connor is a good character. He can be ignorant and blind at times and even bland having very little humorous moments. But, he is a man of action, not words.

He's not supposed to be a Ezio ripoff, he's supposed to represent the bridge that connects The Native Americans and the initial vision of Peace and Freedom for America.

@shahilhassan9415 - 04.08.2022 12:15

AC 3 was the first ac game i ever played and man i loved it
The story alone engaged me through the game.
Connor is the badass assassin ever yet , u forgot how he chased Charles Lee to his death at the end

@CornG4397 - 04.08.2022 13:56

Connor isn't a good protagonist ngl. Not in that he wasn't an ezio clone but that he had no personality.

@ggt47 - 04.08.2022 21:20

I do like Connor even on first play through on my PS3? He just has a lot of issues and layers.

@ggt47 - 04.08.2022 21:27

Unfortunately will never get a protagonist like Connor again. Nor a Native American story.Instead I feel like ever since then maybe bar Shay I think every other character is an Ezio ripoff as they all seem to be “charismatic” because stoicism is boring? 🤨

@thunder7breaker - 05.08.2022 21:45

I admit that I also didn't appreciate Connor at first and I think his hugest issue is that he came right after Ezio who was the most epic protagonist in the series. But if you stop comparing you will see that he is a very interesting character, one that tries to do the right think in a corrupted world, even his allies had their own benefits from the war e.t.c. but he chose to follow the Assassin path to the end, even if that meant walking it alone.

@edo.creative - 06.08.2022 04:50

What sucks about the remaster is that the cutscene faces look terrible. The rest looks amazing but those faces are worse than the original

@blissoftheoasis6326 - 15.08.2022 11:35

Did you know that James Nadiger was supposed to write Connor's story after the events of AC3?
He was hired to work in Assassin's Creed: Initiates, but the project was cancelled before he could expand on his initial take on the story.

Also, he revealed all of his plans on his Twitter account. And I must confirm he would give Ratonhnhaké:ton the treatment he rightfully deserved for so long.

Basically: Nadiger said Abstergo would create a fake program claiming Connor died alone, miserable, and far away from his children after divorcing from a white woman. But in the following chapters, it would be revealed this was Templar propaganda and that Connor's story was full of victories and glory.

He'd have his own family and friends, organize an entire assassin resistance around northeast USA and eastern Canada, somehow hide the Davenport Homestead while spreading rumours of his death to trick the Templars and at almost 60 years old, be one of the central figures of the War of 1812.

@mostafamansour2495 - 08.10.2022 16:04

He was boring in some bits borderline stupid and naive in most but he was a badass 😎. I just wish he had a happy ending I wish any AC game had a happy ending for it's protagonist...except ezio of course.

@unicorntomboy9736 - 20.10.2022 12:39

It's cool that AC Valhalla ties into this game. We learn that Eivor is the one who gave Connor's early medieval ancestors the crystal orb that is eventually given to Connor, so Eivor helped ignite Connor's journey as an Assassin in that sense.

@matthewscott362 - 06.12.2022 10:54

I hate the people that hated assassin's Creed 3 and now love it Connor for me was the flag holder of the series I've played all assassin's Creed since I was 12 when I played the first one and played em when they came out ever since 3 was a really really good game ppl bck then just didn't understand it

@-Gax- - 21.12.2022 14:58

It took a (decade?) but im glad AC3 is starting to get the love it deserves

This gets a like from me.

@Mephilis78 - 26.02.2023 10:24

As I've grown older, I've found I actually like Connor even less. Especially because of the way he treats Achilles. He is such an asshole, not just to his enemies, but he treats all of his friends like dirt as well. He even stares at them all, Sam Adams, Paul Revere, all of them, as if he really wants to kill them. He acts less like an assassin, and more like a deranged serial killer.

@alessandrofracasso6 - 07.04.2023 04:01

The thumbnail makes me realized how connor looked like haytham in term of appereance except for the nose and hairstyle

@dehydra - 14.06.2023 05:13

I just find Connor annoying, naive and too brutal. 😤 It doesnt change, he doesnt grow up. Doesnt listen to anybody, doesnt show respect. Just asshole to people. He fights wars of others, not his own. No assassins code, no honor. And in the end, he was wrong in his "ideology", his vision, as history shows. 😉
Im sorry to all Connor lovers but for me, he is the worst MC. I also dont like Edward ...he is almost the same, but atlast he can be funny and charming at times. 😅
Edit: Just saw him in cutscene ignore and shove innocent messenger, right after being rude to his master, who took him as his own. What a douche. 🙂

@puffpuffpassmako - 21.06.2023 03:17

My fiance is half Mohawk, she was raised on a reservation. And she speaks and has inflections EXACTLY like Connor. She doesn't use contractions much, she speaks monotone, and her sense of humor is different than ours due to cultural differences. She's not however, built like a brute (she's only 4'11) and she dresses gothic with some native accessories on occasion like a feather in her hair. A lot of people don't get that Connors way of speaking and more quiet demeanor was due to his heritage and upbringing as a native. And I get it, not many of us have spent time with or seen native Americans in real life. But it should be understood why

@SpeedDemon55 - 12.07.2023 00:17

Connor is one of my favourite characters of all time. I’m glad a lot of people are realising how great his story is.

@blofi1594 - 16.07.2023 21:42

The most interesting part about Connor is simply what he experienced in his later years. It’s VERY possible (and likely canonical) that Connor experienced the Jackson Administration and Trail of Tears.

@mitchellline4242 - 18.07.2023 02:23

Ezio was to the Assassin's creed franchise what the Guardians of the galaxy has become for the MCU. Great when it came out but horrible in the long term. Both unisoft and Marvel keep chasing that old high instead of trying new things.

@exelierxe.e - 07.09.2023 11:37

when u will meet some really painful event in ur life

U r gonna understand Connor, and start to respect him
That overall he tries to be helpful

@SzajKornik - 17.09.2023 08:08

Connor Kenway and Aiden Pearce are the two most misunderstood characters in AC universe, people grew to recognize how great they were years later

@usamamasud9353 - 24.09.2023 05:09

Having read forsaken. Respect Haytham only increases

@Yusa25 - 01.10.2023 02:01

As a kid you guys simply wanted a charismatic character thats why most of the guys didn't like conner but when you grew older then you realized how good actually conner was. He started from nothing, build an entire multifunctional village with a maritim and shipping industry. It looks maybe silly in the game but if you put everything together besides chasing his father and his minions he achieved great things in the end. Conner built everything up again after the fall of the corupt colonial assassins..

@MrSoloDolo02 - 02.12.2023 10:04

Even as a kid I always thought Connor was a badass. Bro has my second favorite fighting style and third favorite robes, oh how how I wish we got a game featuring a mature Connor

@dumdubbs2427 - 16.04.2024 04:02

It changed my view on Ubisoft. Locked me out of AC3 and no customer service.

@NoName-cz3wn - 29.04.2024 06:14

He's like a Future Trunks who decided to finish off Vegeta instead of bending the knee to him

@manintheline5331 - 30.04.2024 04:16

Connor is the one assassin who's destiny was always to sacrifice everything, the others atleast had the chance to gain something, Connor lost everything

@Avinash_Lincoln - 09.05.2024 16:17

When I booted up AC 3 for the first time, I loved every moment of it, and I loved playing as Connor, he is pretty unique and a badass person, who just constantly gets the shortest possible end of the stick. And gets used left and right, but he did everything with clear precision and tenacity, he is consistent in his own way, I loved that. I won't shit on Ezio, but I'll defend Connor anyday.

@ZeroOmega-vg8nq - 21.06.2024 05:04

the biggest problem with connors story even now, is that his more human moments are locked behind the side content homestead missions which shouldsve been interwoven especially since achilles freaking bites it

@alvinjan3486 - 21.06.2024 15:57

I am actually excited to play AC3 again to see Connor. Sure Ezio is a great character. But his story is quite meh in my opinion

@2ndplayeruser - 26.07.2024 02:02

Since Day one of AC3 I loved Ratonhnhaké:ton. Being indigenous (Inuit, not Native American like him) myself I may be a bit biased but I loved seeing representation of a culture that also understands fully what the residential schools did to us as a people and understands the importance of respecting the land they live on. Anyway, there are a few things that I have a hard time believing in the plot, like Ratonhnhaké:ton being directly involved with the Boston Tea Party but overall, Ratonhnhaké:ton is one of my favourite characters from the Assasssin's Creed franchise

@darkdog42 - 09.08.2024 15:56

Like you play through that sequence as Conor as a young boy almost choked to death and watching his mother burn, and then people still complain that he’s not as light hearted as Ezio Conor was 16 when he joined the brotherhood his whole life was built amongst that interaction with Lee. I love Conor for how convicted he is to his moral compass he’s my favourite assassin I feel his righteous anger I relate to him more than Ezio or Altair, he’s like a more stoic version of his grandfather

@ticket2space - 14.11.2024 18:01

I always loved Connor. I was a kid when this came out and I would always put myself in his shoes. I don't care what any of you say, Connor has every right to be as angry as he is and if I'm being honest, he's nicer than what should be expected of him. Id be a miserable and bitter b@stard too. As I've gotten older I see that the way he expresses himself is childish at times yeah, but his sentiment is always something I've totally understood and I think his feelings are justified totally.

@iggs2333 - 15.12.2024 08:45

i'm not native american, but my own country has experienced colonization far too much and playing a character who has experienced the same horrors played a damn big part in why i love connor so much. especially the burning down the village part. i remember distinctly the first time i saw that and how i saw this same exact scenario play out in my history books back in fifth grade. the racism connor faces too is something i never saw as a child, but i do remember being mad at those scenes and never understood why. it's why i believe that he is the most important character that the series needed to have because who better to fight for freedom than someone who has been stepped on and looked down on because of their heritage, culture, and especially their skin color?

@vietnameeseguy - 02.01.2025 16:40

I just finished the remaster and it got me to play AC4 and buy Unity for $4.

I played the first three AC when I was a kid but didn’t understand all the lore and history elements. The remaster got me into wanting to learn more about the American Revolution and then the Golden Age of Pirates.

@Rkertla - 15.01.2025 14:06

This was the first AC game that I ever played and MAN was he so cool to me, something about the main character being brutal slmehow always keeps me interested.

@eschelar - 10.03.2025 10:17

Killing his father and losing Achilles at the same time is one hell of a story beat.

When Arno had a similar story beat, he lost Elise. And turned to drink.

Connor turned to his inner strength and grew.

That's why Connor is a better protagonist than Arno.

Connor was always suffering. The sins of the father...

And at that moment, he was in a way, free. Just like the bird in his vision. Free to pursue the way of the assassins, not to kill only, but also to build, because Connor was not only an assassin. He was more.

The best of his father lived on in him, but his father was a Templar, seeing the evil in the assassin's creed, the corruption of freedom without order, but favoring order over freedom.

Connor was able to see this, but chose freedom over order.

Now that is storytelling!

@arthropodstopic - 17.03.2025 02:46

awkward af when we found out who really burned the village
