80% overweight
80% fatherless children
Most in debt
Riddled with STDs
38% of Black pregnancies are terminated, over half in NYC.
Magnesium carbonate powder, Vit.D, L-theanine, taurine, NAC, and fiber.
Inclined Sleep Therapy *free
Lean chicken/turkey replaces unhealthy calories
Dentist gum cleaning
The celebrities are pons on the chess board causing people to think the war between white and black is skin warfare.
The black spirit is not penetrated by light but is covered in light. Mama
The white spirit is penetrates by light, naked. LGBTQ the children of MAn.
The goat in the begining of Mama's name name baba follows.
"Baba black sheep have you any wool?" baba is dada born of his mama's wawa.
Slaying one another over the SON of MAn , they call the slain lamb of god MAn , they are permitting life. Trans Future, while slaying one another.
"Baba black sheep have you any wool?" Enslaved Black Mama's and our Baba's are enslaved to the white MAns rainbow.
They who see me as the white womb of man, woMAN, do not see my spirit. They see the vanity of their own flesh. Gotta get past that to see the light. I know the sleep I awakened from. The awakened will offend the sleeping and woke.
These problems doesn't just affect Blaq Women, but Blaq men as well. I was just asked by a specialist about being OG from Africa and she assumed I had Sickle Cell Anemia which had nothing to do with why I was with the specialist. I do not trust MD's!!