What are Compound Words | Vi's learning path | In Tamil

What are Compound Words | Vi's learning path | In Tamil

Vi's learning path

54 года назад

19,728 Просмотров

What are Compound Words

Compound Words are two or more words that have been grouped together to create a new word that has a different, individual meaning. There are three different kinds of compound: open, closed, and hyphenated compound words.

In English, there are many compound words, including a few that you might not have realized were compound words. This includes words like ‘football’, which is made up of two different words: ‘foot’ and ‘ball’. When put together, they become the name of a sport.

Compound word Individual words

Football Foot + ball

Firefighter Fire + fighter

Notebook Note + book

Superhero Super + hero

Railroad Rail + road

Snowball Snow + ball

Inside In + side

Sometimes Some + times

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