Josh confronts Sebas + What NOT to do at restaurants

Josh confronts Sebas + What NOT to do at restaurants


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@mayherbar7833 - 12.03.2024 01:07

I needed the clarification from Sebas bc Josh made no sense when he said he was dropping 20 new flavors. So thank you Sebas 🎉

@jocelynAndrade-fz1rm - 12.03.2024 01:38

Dang Sebas….. 😮😢

@elizabethgil6930 - 12.03.2024 02:23

You guys have a good relationship that’s good that you guys talked it out ❤😊

@lindaortega9151 - 12.03.2024 03:07

Dang…I apologized. Josh made ME feel shitty.

@marissaveloz9724 - 12.03.2024 04:43

Wow I love and respect how you guys handled this. This is extremely relatable! I am Josh but with my family. ( wordings, expression and all but I’ve gone as far as repeating in pain, giving examples.. nothing works.) Respects to Sebas for taking accountability and reassuring that it will not happen again… My family will justify to the moon and back.. with tears in my eyes, pain in my overall being and will hurt, abandon and betray again and again.. God bless you guys and everyone reading this

@eliannasolis5472 - 12.03.2024 06:33

I would have been screaming 🎉 idk why she was so calm lol 😂❤

@drea1991 - 12.03.2024 21:02

The post have a winner everyday but i don’t see how to enter the giveaway of each post 😢

@annyvaldovino9957 - 13.03.2024 03:46

You say pendejadas all day, does that make you a Pendejo 😂😂😂 that’s what I thought you were going to say 😂

@mariameza1027 - 13.03.2024 04:41

@josh that quote is from the movie “the town” with Ben affleck and Jeremy Renner

@karenramirez-lc7re - 13.03.2024 08:44

Honestly the outfits were it for me 🫶🏼

@MarlyyyC - 13.03.2024 09:18

I think sebas just needed to hear it cause i know i was raised to be independent and figure things out on my own so i wouldn’t have thought it was a big deal and sometimes we forget that others weren’t raised the same way. No one is perfect. Sebas seems like the kind of person that will hear it once and will make sure he’s always there in the future. Sebas doesn’t get enough credit for how good of a person he is. Growth is hearing your friend out and not minimizing their situation, being able to apologize, not retaliating by saying something hurt him and moving on and then later doubling down on how much he’s sorry and will be there for Josh 🥺 Sebas is goals 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

@Mmmmmmmmmmhghj - 13.03.2024 09:59

“He dont give a shit about me” 😂😂

@lindahernandez360 - 13.03.2024 15:37

Here after sebas got cancelled and so are we just not gonna talk about “sweet feet” 😂

@deysig26 - 13.03.2024 20:03

“Not cleaning your room, your good at that”😂

@deb4753 - 13.03.2024 22:34

Wait i thought they did sleep for months straight when they hibernate 😂

@angelaespinoza5929 - 14.03.2024 02:06

Josh you should make a chamomile tea flavor for calm and sleep ❤🤩

@AlexHernandez-rd2gs - 14.03.2024 03:34

The movie is called ‘The Town’, I do see Sebas perspective…josh u had a trend of running late, Sebas perfectionist ass was probably trying to set up for the pod, and as a Dude, he kinda spoke to u like an older brother….in my humble Gemini opinion. Love u both, faithful fan of u both!!! And ur wifeys. 😅

@Arcos22893 - 14.03.2024 06:36

Yess Josh❤ my bday is feb 28th 💕

@rosariotorres5201 - 14.03.2024 07:21

As a leap year baby I am 20 and this year I turned 5 😂 honestly it’s great to be young forever 😂

@jackiemartinez3166 - 15.03.2024 07:50

Sebas is so aggressive 😅

@TheStrawbizzy - 15.03.2024 08:16

FYI the movie line was from the town Ben Afleck

@keniagomez7632 - 15.03.2024 19:24

i was confused too sebas

@jesusrivera3343 - 15.03.2024 23:07

The old fashioned was created in the 1800s maaaa aahhhhhhhh

@S.queen00 - 16.03.2024 04:34

I need me a Josh in my life ❤ this is the type of man I would want to enhance my life. Diosss mioooo

@Gonzales9516 - 16.03.2024 16:44

This was amazing episode! More guys should open up like this!! Thank you guys

@jackiedee7977 - 17.03.2024 11:26

Sebas sporting a strip club hat? Lol

@Isaimauricia - 18.03.2024 07:53

My husband and I had one of our best friends pass away who had Josh’s exact personality. Being goofy & funny & conscious about other people’s feelings, and always complimenting everyone, & extremely well mannered and respectful. Having all of these separate qualities is great, but having all of them together is hard to find… 💙💙💙💙 RIP Adrian, you are so missed 💙💙💙💙

@priscillajosezaragoza2212 - 19.03.2024 22:24

The movie reference is the town!

@MIchelleREESE_MP2 - 21.03.2024 22:03

The Town, Ben Affleck.
We all want a ride or die like that.

@08Cuellar - 21.03.2024 22:44

Shot every time they say “bro” 😵‍💫🥴😂

@yesenialopez1210 - 22.03.2024 01:13

Life has been really hard lately so I decided to come rewatch some videos… thank you for making smile on some hard times 😭

@ailinstyle8 - 22.03.2024 01:35

Ahhh noo I’m gonna take ny time ordering ny drink if i want lol 😭 life is already super fast paced as it is it aint that serious

@famousjackiie - 22.03.2024 02:07

I’m just now watching this while I work from home! But I am also a Capricorn! How Josh expresses himself is so me! 😅 you expressing how I do too!🤣

@valerievega6916 - 26.03.2024 22:04

Sebas literally says a whole lot of nothing 😂

@adrianazavala7693 - 27.03.2024 15:13

Bring back strawberry kiwi please 😩

@_mrscorrea8180 - 03.04.2024 18:18

I just started watching you guys two weeks ago and I’m glad i found you! 🙌 i even ordered salud, bro it came within 4 days 🤗 i love it already

@_mrscorrea8180 - 03.04.2024 19:13

Allllll late lmao but the movie quote “we’re gonna go hurt some people” is The Town ! With Ben Affleck.

@cindyluu2723 - 05.04.2024 05:27

Josh is the perfect example on calling you out and not taking anything else personal after
He knows how to communicate so well and a lot of people …A LOT do not know how to
A true man 😮‍💨

@Taliz303 - 13.04.2024 03:26

As a Sagittarius I new Sebas was this type of “friend”

Josh is such a genuine soul. I know he would’ve gone in a blink of an eye.

@dianaelizabethg444 - 15.04.2024 04:15

Omg I got excited for 20 new flavors dropping . 😍

@dianaelizabethg444 - 15.04.2024 04:19

That’s not what hibernate meant ?? lol

@itzellopez6140 - 22.04.2024 01:25

so who won the bad bunny tickets??? 😒😒😒

@Dolo1993 - 02.05.2024 00:21

Son of a B ! See what happens when you need some gas 😂

@everyoneshines2009 - 30.05.2024 07:27

I feel like the plática is successful because of Josh. He’s the voice, the personality. I hope is not just a one sided friendship… sometimes Sebas looks cold and aloof. Pretty much selfish??? He always thinks about himself, like he’s above anyone else, IMO. You can tell he was avoiding the topic, he didn’t want to own his shit. When Josh was in need he thought of his “friend” but that friend didn’t think of him as a FRIEND, he didn’t give a shit, he was living his own life like Josh says about people. Josh you deserve better, know your worth! This show is a success because of you, you are well articulated, great personality, humble and you show true emotions❤️Sometimes you just have to lower your expectations.

@luvryuj - 24.06.2024 23:04


@760Alondra - 24.07.2024 18:22

I thought Josh was dropping 20 flavors too Sebas lol 😂

@JennifermarieCamachoseda - 25.07.2024 21:46

Quién es josh

@KienFgero - 26.02.2025 05:45

This is a non considered a podcast at all.
