Octuplet Grandmother Speaks

Octuplet Grandmother Speaks


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@TheFalzox - 04.12.2012 14:28

Holy shit why is this intellectually dysfunctional collection of swearing and insults and overreaction a top comment?

@msnativefox13 - 29.08.2012 13:53


@msnativefox13 - 29.08.2012 13:47


@MySnaz - 27.08.2012 07:19

She sounds loving and supportive of Nadya. I can;t understand why people come down on her.

@416mcp - 22.01.2011 08:59

I feel bad for Nadya mom. Nadya seems to be using her too. What is grandma to do? I have absolutely no pity for Nadya. But her mom and those kids yes. I don't think we should be paying her to care for the children. those kids deserve better.

@isocrate27 - 28.07.2010 23:52

Does it mean she slept with 8 different men on the same night?

@jeangrey65 - 31.01.2010 10:14

What happened Ms Sarcia? Finally embarassed?

@foedeer - 22.01.2010 01:25

she is an idiot ahahahahah

@foedeer - 22.01.2010 01:24

I think Nadya suleman is a turd with plastic lips.

@foedeer - 21.01.2010 06:15

nah actually i just saw your name everywhere. It just amused me and i'm pretty sure for everyone else who thinks your are an idiot *wink*

@Rudewomantt - 22.10.2009 23:17

She's sweet.. (the grandmother i mean:-))

@roxybarone - 18.06.2009 09:54

search octuplet father, you will see him and hear his story

@dragonmissy - 12.05.2009 09:42

shes not a good mom a good mom has a job and can take care of them and maybe not get pregnant with 8 more kids

@shevah2 - 12.05.2009 04:23

hasent she just had a baby a few months ago. who does she do it with, its not like the stork brings them?! she doesnt hsave a husband how does she get pregnent

@jeangrey65 - 04.05.2009 10:43

How sad that when she was through with her mom, she moved on to bigger and better fish. The tax payers. More then165,000 claimed in disablity and do you think her poor mom got any of it?, but she was willing to spend 24,000 for invetrofor 8 more kids, tax payers payed thousands more for the birth of the kids and will continue paying for care until the kids are of age or we finally say THATS ENOUGH!!

@rubberducky260 - 02.05.2009 06:52

1.Put both of ur hands on ur chest 2.Think of someone that u like...... 3.Tommorow that person will ask you out or say i love you. 4.Heres the catch just send to 5 more vidoes

@snickercandy101 - 01.05.2009 09:00

Her Mom is not crazy. Just her.

@Crazyman1212 - 13.04.2009 01:34

WTF 14 childreen this isn't 1762, people should only have childreen if they are finicially stable, if shes religious you can blame the church because they belevie condoms are the work of satan.

@oldbag699 - 09.04.2009 18:14

what else can the grndma do she is in a hard posiyion she loves the grandchildren but maybe tuff love should have been the answer - i feel sorry for both the grandparents that nadya is so selfish that she expects her parents to help and give her their money - nayda needs to be spayed

@GreenRad2012 - 31.03.2009 19:14

NOW we know where Nadya gets it from. This "grandmother" is as delusional as her daughter. No -mother- brings 14 children into the world when she has: 1) no money to provide for them; 2) no partner to shoulder 50% of the work; 3) no decent housing to shelter them in. SHAME on you, "Grandma," for attempting to defend the indefensible--

@Caerdrys - 31.03.2009 08:31

No she isn't-not that her nationality has any influence on the moral wrongness of her daughter, and I don't know whether or not Iraqi people fuck more than others....Nadya's father is Iraqi.

@qwertisdirty - 30.03.2009 13:34

dude seriously, can we focus on the real issue, cake is the real problem

@fordfairlane662dr - 29.03.2009 19:24

and she is a fucking iraqi

@ste670ler - 29.03.2009 18:38

nayda is a selfish self centered skank ass bitch , her mother has to give up her retirement check everymonth for those kids

@staceyisaguilar - 29.03.2009 01:43

I think mellydea2007 is far from a liberal thinker....

@stephluvscake01 - 22.03.2009 05:30

she shops at my store!! :]]]

@Dudedanrocks - 18.03.2009 07:26

Lol once again, go to fucking hell. Dude i stick to my own business, but when theres children turning out fucked up, id rather stick my nose in it. Btw, life is "sticking your nose into business of others" Dont we fucking do that to save lives in war, prove innocent people innocent, proove guilty people guilty, and shove fucking basterd like you into jail? FUCK OFF

@manitobasuntanner - 17.03.2009 07:06

this is elder abuse why can't anybody protect her from her daughter

@DaOnlyMayor - 17.03.2009 02:47

Wefare really needs to change it's policy!!! This bum bitch with no job should not get a dime of our tax dollars!!! Why should we be on the hook for her dumb ass decision to mother 14 children???

@blaquebarbie18 - 10.03.2009 00:02

No problem :)

@blaquebarbie18 - 09.03.2009 09:07

THANK YOU!!! Finally someone who agrees on me on this one. That's what I hate about catholism. What these idiots need to understand is that there is a difference between a "miracle" and biological reproduction. BEST COMMENT EVER! :)

@lrc0028 - 28.02.2009 03:49

Actually, if you read Kate's book, Kate had an IUI procedure, not IVF. They would have been happy having just one more baby, they certainly did not plan on having 6! The chances of having twins with IUI is high, but having mutiples like Kate did is almost UNHEARD of. Angela did IVF, which has ridiculously higher rates of multiples. She KNEW exactly what she was doing when she implanted 6 embryos.

@timm9 - 28.02.2009 02:15

Wrong with the same way Nadya set out to have kids Kate did the very samething its a well known fact they can and the rate is high to have more then one. You cant support 8 kids on ONLY one working part time. Jon and Kate just moved in a much bigger home and ton on tons of trips each year they get FREE HAND OUTS and even said they did and use their kids (show) as a way to make more money. Kate even has a personal organic chef Now. All from money they USED their kids to make. SICK!

@timm9 - 28.02.2009 02:09

You can't support 8 kids with ONLY one working part time Jon and Kate said as much they get FREE HAND OUTS. Kate is JOBLESS like Nadya. Kate had babies same way like Nadya. Kate uses her kids (show) as a means of money/support.

@loadi2 - 27.02.2009 05:01

god bless you grandma at least you are there for the kids ..they have no mother

@timm9 - 27.02.2009 02:24

Jon & Kate did the VERY SAME THING. Kate is also JOBLESS and takes hand outs. Bad double standard. they are all selfish!

@3monkeysmomma - 25.02.2009 22:15

I wasn't trying to be harsh, but I think perhaps if she'd said after baby number one, "Don't do this again or you're on your own." There might not have been a baby number 14! I agree, the babies are innocent. Poor little things.

@TakaraL - 25.02.2009 20:04

I dont think she is dumb for doing it. the reality is no matter how stupid her daughter is, those babies are innocent so she shouldnt give up on them because their mother is a douche bag

@phantomgrrl20 - 25.02.2009 10:28

the grandma is enabling that piece of shit she calls her daughter i feel sorry for her

@3monkeysmomma - 25.02.2009 00:40

Nadya Suleman is nuttier than squirrel poop. This poor old lady! I think she's dumb to put up with this, but I feel sorry for her.

@70goldtop - 24.02.2009 21:47

When she dishes out 2.7 million to support the brood I might take her seriously.Until then,it's the taxpayers responsibility.

@70goldtop - 24.02.2009 21:39

She's just as kooky as the daughter.How can you say"untilI I saw them"......They look like babies.If she is swayed by the appearance of the babies she's just as wacked out as the mother.Now I know where the disfunctional factor came from.

@joyville2 - 23.02.2009 17:14

Oprah said on her show, Friday, that the Grandfather came to Oprah asking her to interview him so he could tell his side of the story. It will be on her show tomorrow, 2/24/09. Oprah said that after the interview, he asked her if she would help him get his daughter a mental evaluation.

@Xenodamus - 22.02.2009 19:33

argh, I just feel like slapping Nadya.

@joyville2 - 21.02.2009 03:44

The grandfather contacted Oprah wanting to tell his side of the story. He will be on Oprah Tuesday.

@freesoul2005 - 21.02.2009 02:40

Maybe sympathetic ppl like u should be taxed for these serial welfare mothers. As long as I'm not giving taxes for these evil mothers, I dont give a rat ass how many kids they pop put every day.

@Exiio - 21.02.2009 00:26

It's funny how the "famous" octuplets woman has 99% of the people having no idea what she looks like.

@Linoxism - 21.02.2009 00:05

IMO, the mother should first know whether or not she is within her capabilities to take care of as many children as she does. It's ridiculous to have that many children and not even have anything completely stable in her life other than her functioning embryos. -.-'
