Path of Exile: How To Beat Merveil with a Melee Build (Act 1 Boss Guide)

Path of Exile: How To Beat Merveil with a Melee Build (Act 1 Boss Guide)

ZiggyD Gaming

1 десятилетие назад

39,313 Просмотров

UPDATED for forsaken Masters:
One thing I love about Path of Exile is that it really punishes players who don't prepare properly for it's challenges. The Act 1 boss Merveil is the perfect example of this - characters who who fail to get their gear in order before the fight are in for a frustrating series of deaths (especially melee characters who can't dodge the ice attacks). In this video I go a bit overboard on the preparation but it serves to highlight how easy the fight can be if you set yourself up for it nicely.

ZiggyD | @ZiggyDStarcraft |

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