How To Fix A Slice With A Driver (So Simple!)

How To Fix A Slice With A Driver (So Simple!)

Performance Golf

6 лет назад

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@paso193 - 28.07.2023 02:10

Well, if the duck is going to be Mulligan's future best pal....then it's only fair to name it....'Duck Hook'.

@xcalabur18 - 28.07.2023 16:26

So simple it’s over seven minutes long lol

@SidChowdhury88 - 06.08.2023 17:06

Great tutorial video, keeping the face closed fixed my slice

@mellykick213 - 22.08.2023 23:12

Thank you so much, fixed in one game🎉

@timbravo6855 - 23.08.2023 06:28

Thanks mate great tip, and helped me a great deal in fixing my slice.

@skullface691 - 28.08.2023 17:22

I didn't know anything about a weak vs strong grip pattern - I thought I was struggling with the length of the club but this makes sense and I will have to try it out. Maybe I can hit a driver now instead of hitting irons off the tee.

@elyash90 - 15.09.2023 03:15

This is the most helpful golf video I have ever seen. I have been trying to do everything to fix my slice for years and finally after watching this video I have been drawing the ball perfectly every single time! Thank you very much for this clear and concise video!

@Ian-df8fu - 21.09.2023 01:40

Good stuff, thanks bud.

@cjl_elite7266 - 22.09.2023 20:21

I come back to this video about 4 times a year lol

@brocschugel85 - 23.09.2023 15:11

I start hitting a draw when i do this

@rickkimberutahrealtors8946 - 02.10.2023 07:20

Amazing! Fixed immediately! What I needed to see and hear! 👍😎⛳️

@frostnova6574 - 18.10.2023 01:16

Best explanation video I’ve ever seen so far.

@keepon9348 - 31.10.2023 15:30

This video has completely changed my game, a million thank yous, my slice is completely gone and all because of my grip, appreciate you 🙏

@Adamsracing15 - 04.11.2023 05:46

Stop playing and tell em it’s all in the take away.notice his arms straight all of the way back. Then you’ll be asking how to stop a hook . Welcome to golf

@jinn_thehuman - 18.11.2023 13:02

First time being told to "fix my face" in a golfing context, but i do hear that a lot outside of golf

@juniorelizondo4144 - 10.12.2023 01:12

Thank you so much brother. I played 18 holes today and i was actually able to drive. I hit the ball very straight when before i was slicing alot. The problem now is how to line up my feet and shoulders. I fixed the club face and im very happy. I will practice more.

@BigDuke6ixx - 28.12.2023 12:17

I only play Golf+ VR and this worked for me.

@clim5225 - 14.01.2024 08:50

3 mins into the video, it already fixed my slice problem, thank you doc

@CraigHowell-c9e - 15.01.2024 23:20

I've been trying for 2 years and it's impossible to get rid of it with driver , I even close the club face to 10 o'clock and it still slices 😂😂😂

@sergiojordao984 - 17.01.2024 03:23

Fantastic video. I stopped slicing after using your tips. Great job 🎉

@AployHD - 21.01.2024 01:18

Great advice, exacly what my club pro said to me. He also gave me a really good exersice i want to share here!
: hit a ball to the right, then one to the left, then pne in the middle. Do this over ald over again. After practice you can choose where you want the ball to go!

@rafaelmarquez3230 - 25.01.2024 01:25

I used to not want to hit the driver because it always goes out of bounds. Just came back from the range. And didn’t hit 1 ball with slice. I did hook many but that’s the process. Got a few straight ones and loved it. Thanks for what you’re doing!!!!

@reviewking9709 - 27.01.2024 02:57

dude looks like hes got a green screen

@RxG21 - 28.02.2024 04:43

We are here because we suck folks. Played about 5 times and I never get better at all

@dirtyds2240 - 06.04.2024 10:09

This guy is pretty great , thank you .

@tommygreer2678 - 10.04.2024 20:18

2.3 that’s a lot of slicers

@The_AllOutPodcast - 23.04.2024 00:18

Great video!

@_effigy_ - 06.05.2024 08:16

Eric, you are a deadset legend.
My grip was too weak, and this video cured that problem within half an hour.

Thank you!!!!

@CMacUF - 14.05.2024 07:37

Great video thank you

@TheUsername100000000 - 20.05.2024 22:05

Best slice explanation I’ve seen! Over compensating the club face made me understand what I was doing wrong with my grip immediately.

@tickoosumit - 23.05.2024 11:57

Awesome video fixed the slice instantly.

@MegaSkiman - 30.06.2024 05:59

This was the best tip I've received. I went from slicing everything to having a draw in one day. Lots of reasons people can have an open face but for me it was my finish.

@dubyk11 - 01.07.2024 00:34

Holy crap…this worked for me. Grip feels awkward as hell but my shots are perfectly straight now

@TheDedloc - 06.07.2024 07:05

I'm so tired of slicing my driver. I know exactly what causes it... I can feel it. But the second I dip my shoulder I cant fking swing over the golf ball. If I slice I'm stretched out and go over the top and can feel the ball slice off the face.BUT if I try to swing inside out for a potential draw I'm not even hitting the same golf ball. Basically, I cant seem to line the ball up in my stance where it feels good to swing at inside out. It LOOKS way too close to me but that's where my club head path is and I'm trying to put the stupid ball in the way. If I hit my normal asssss shot its a huge slice all day long but I can go after it and swing at it really hard.... I really just think I need a driver fitting and they can bend the face where it needs to point for MY swing. Because if it doesn't feel comfortable to go after then youre wasting your time.

@scottmalcolmson4584 - 09.07.2024 04:01

Man, just got back from the range, what an intense and instant change. I've never hit a ball straight with a 225 carry ever in my life before today. Can't wait to get back.

@NastyAxis0111 - 24.07.2024 15:47

I’ll have rounds where I’m fairway fairway fairway… then a couple days later… tree….. small child… Biden Voter… smh folks!

@krios4652 - 30.07.2024 03:52

I hit my first ever hook after watching this video

@jpdst29 - 11.08.2024 01:36

I’ve always played with a strong grip. Sometimes three knuckles showing on my lead hand and I still sliced.
My problem was I had an extremely out-to-in swing path so even though my club face was square at impact it was coming in at such an angle that It was putting crazy right spin on the ball and leading to a slice.

@cybond - 11.08.2024 11:41

now how to fix hook?

@MrTizNasty - 27.08.2024 07:36

You sir helped me hit my driver straight!! Your the best thank you 🤝🏻

@christ0ph3rson70 - 29.08.2024 02:14

This actually helped me hit more straight. Just hit a bunch of balls at the range with my driver, 6, 7, 8, and PW.

@mattjohnson7835 - 13.09.2024 15:20

That makes perfect sense. Going to give it a try. Thanks.

@jjunaedi279 - 22.09.2024 15:22

That's really worked..amazing how simple I need to fix my grip and the slice almost gone

@SilkMyo - 30.09.2024 09:29

If anyone is at the point in their golf journey where they are slicing, they cant understand half the terminology you used that you didn't explain.

@dominicsworkshop - 16.10.2024 05:00

Thank you for this, it really works!

@joeguillotte3213 - 17.10.2024 14:37

This was helpful.

@Heavyperro - 18.01.2025 01:50

This is excellent! The grip is super important!

@Darkstar2520 - 30.01.2025 19:33

how come i cant make solid contact? im hitting it to high on the ball from a friend that watched me hit a few times

@benneely3164 - 11.02.2025 22:55

I went out and had the best round I've ever played with these tips. Really appreciate it! Golf club facing down to the ground and change the grip was all I needed.
