Campbell Barracks MP Station - Heidelberg Military Community

Campbell Barracks MP Station - Heidelberg Military Community

IGS Trace of History

55 лет назад

794 Просмотров


In front of the Campbell Barracks Heidelberg, on the right hand, the military police was located at bld. 84 with a small duty station. That shows how importand the installation was , it housed the european headquarters until the closure in 2013. The main station of the 17th Military Police Detachment was located at the Patton Bks. Heidelberg, MP station radio call sign "DARK LION" !

We provide photostorys of deactivated US military installations in germany, europe and USA. Our motto: Against forgetting!

To preserve and honor the history of US forces in overseas, we are saving the american footprints in germany on our pictures. Keeping american history in germany and overseas alive, for those who lived it and for future generations.

Since the closing of the Rhein Main Airbase in 2005, our crew started documenting the deactivated installations of the US Army and US Air Force. Most of our members are connected to the the army, as dependents, friends or former active service members. So we also keep a part of our own past alive.


#MP_Station #Heidelber #Campbell #Military_Community #Dark_Lion
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