How to polish watch mineral glass in less than 10 minutes - tutorial

How to polish watch mineral glass in less than 10 minutes - tutorial

Nekkid Watchmaker

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@RedJeanetteRedlover - 16.02.2025 05:18

I'm going to wager a bet to say that he does something totally epic and creates a new square one from a bigger round one! 😊

@Jaapio777 - 16.02.2025 05:49

I totally felt that when the glass cracked 😂😂😂 I know that feeling 😂

@PCMcGee1 - 16.02.2025 05:51

🫣 Oh, no no no no.

@OscarRPalma - 16.02.2025 05:55

"Ok" 😢

@ThePaulv12 - 16.02.2025 06:10

Don't be too long releasing the vid.
I don't know how many sleepless nights I can endure.

@Mars-zgblbl - 16.02.2025 06:41


@clairewright8153 - 16.02.2025 07:18

Shenanigans one of my favourite words. And bugger another word I use when things go wrong.
Can’t wait to see the full video, hope you found a replacement or some wizardry to mend it.

@razakayani262 - 16.02.2025 07:57

stay blessed 👍

@speedypaul2314 - 16.02.2025 08:35

Oops. I feel you knew that would happen 😉😉

@andoletube - 16.02.2025 08:39

You probably weakened the the crystal significantly during the polishing process, so probably a good rule of thumb to remove the crystal first when it's at its thickest so you have less chance of breaking it upon removal.

@ForOurGood - 16.02.2025 09:57

broke it....

@aggeojuarez2659 - 16.02.2025 10:58

Desde que vi el tamaño mas pequeño del punzón dije que se rompería !!

@Mr.-Wint - 16.02.2025 11:29

Only if you have the right equipment..

@philspencelayh5464 - 16.02.2025 13:21

Never heard of them before

@octaviussludberry9016 - 16.02.2025 14:13


@StephanJPPL - 16.02.2025 14:46

What a different !! Didn't think the results would be this good. I've tried polishing scratches off with mixed results but nowhere near as good.

@CelliniCreations - 16.02.2025 15:17

Talk about cliffhangers... 😱

@Whisper555 - 16.02.2025 17:06

Oh noes

@cmb1972 - 16.02.2025 17:54

IMHO the tool you used to push the crystal out should have been larger, thus pushing on a larger surface area. But one never knows how things will happen in the watch repair world, just when you think it's complete, you are back a few steps!

@m.asim1206 - 16.02.2025 20:52

Master of the trade ..hats off sir

@KaleemLmar - 16.02.2025 21:04

Hard luck Master, even the best of us have our bad days. 😢 😅 A tear and and a smile for the crystal you so emaculately cleaned.

@gusser2121 - 16.02.2025 21:15

I could feel my resolve cracking with that crystal. Joe, you must have nerves of steel. 😃

@cashau2965 - 16.02.2025 21:52

...I think the crystal broke probably because of one or both of these two reasons: the crystal structure was compromised by the polishing and/or the shape of the block used to push it out was too small and not covering all the area of the glass...just my two cents...what do you think Nekkid? anyway even masters like you can be unlucky, never mind👍

@avianfish8732 - 16.02.2025 23:49

Epic. I have never been able to polish out glass crystals. i can make them cloudy but I can't get them shiny and clear.
Where do you get the discs from?

@hans-verhoeven - 17.02.2025 00:42

Thanks for sharing Joe. Can't wait to see the follow up.

@shanejones7331 - 17.02.2025 00:45

Amazing job!

@MyRetroWatches - 17.02.2025 01:55

Thing is what is the machine your using the disc on and can us hobbyists obtain it reasonably?
Ref crystal , if you have the reference I can see if it’s on any of the Japan markets.

@Jaliya48 - 17.02.2025 08:29

I've restored my share of classic G shocks and one thing I've learnt is never to press out square crystals! In case you find a donor case with a better crystal and want to swap; get a sharp blade and scour out the old crystal gasket, this will weaken the pressure holding the crystal in place. We do this with salvaging G shock crystals from cases that are too far gone. The caveat is you'll still need a good gasket to press the new crystal in.

@topcat1255 - 17.02.2025 10:43

The DRAMA! The SUSPENSE!! The wait-what???? GADZOOKS!

@joekanicki5306 - 17.02.2025 10:47

Well that was an “oh shi*” moment Joe! Looking forward to how you right the ship. Cheers from Texas . Peace ☮️

@raymond7880 - 17.02.2025 11:16

Thanks. Useful short explanations.

@maestromecanico597 - 17.02.2025 17:18

Ouch! Very sorry to see that.

@garyhost354 - 17.02.2025 20:51

Please moisturise your hands cuh. On god they crispy.

@fredfred2363 - 18.02.2025 00:32

Oh noooooo! After all that.

I used to make telescope mirrors using old ship porthole windows... I always found that rubbing glass against glass, with various grits worked really well. No machines needed.

When you get to the fine grits, the two surfaces try to lock together. So the solution was to use pitch (tar) with slots cut through the surface to allow air in. Then the mirror surface won't lock.

Doesn't take long

Why did you use a round, domed head on your press!?

I suspect that in your next video you show a piece of sapphire being hand shaped using a wet wheel, like how glass shops bevel the edges of their mirrors... can't wait!

Have learned quite a few neat tricks on your channel. 👍🏻🇬🇧

@LaughingLion4Ever - 18.02.2025 04:52

How is Nekkid gonna pull this one out of the fire? Stay tuned!

@jmy6050 - 18.02.2025 09:25

That's the worst sound for anyone working with glass!

@philyew3617 - 18.02.2025 19:16

Ouch 😭 I felt that from 70 miles away. Can't wait to see how you recover that one Joe. It's sure to be special.
Thoughts and prayers for you.

@RustyBonnet - 18.02.2025 19:23

Cracking video Grommit :)

@williamrookes17 - 19.02.2025 16:50

Great job, tragedy after all that work the crystal broke. Are there special presses for square or rectangular crystals?

@watcheseth2657 - 19.02.2025 22:26

This trailer is cool ! I hope the show does not get cancelled, like my favourite shows RAISED BY Wolves or Altered CARBON , Scifi series lol ❤

@DashDrones - 20.02.2025 00:23

Yeah, i feel your pain. Told someone i could replace the battery in their crappy Michael Kors watch and broke the glass when putting too much pressure sealing the case back. Never again!

@lynntailford8046 - 20.02.2025 21:15

why do i have to hunt for your channel i have subscribed but never get you on the bell

@BrendanJWalker - 21.02.2025 01:37

Dear Joe ...AWFULL... SORRY ol' man....things like this keep us humble. Always look for your videos.
God bless and hugs to the little NEKKIDS

@kasperjr - 22.02.2025 23:07

You had to heat it up! before taking the glass out

@royclark8385 - 27.02.2025 00:56

hello. Are you based in the UK? do you take on viewers repairs?

@starcarrier1874 - 28.02.2025 02:59

Does the polishing disc run at one speed, or do you vary that depending on the paste used?

@ravproyectos2335 - 03.03.2025 04:39

Lo que más me gustó al ver el vídeo completo después, es que no te enfadas demasiado cuando se rompe. ¡Enhorabuena por eso!

@marynull4831 - 04.03.2025 19:06

As soon as I heard the snap, a 4-letter word that starts with “s”crossed my mind. And I watched this video AFTER I watched the full video and I knew it was going to happen.
Just so you know, I always yelp at the same part of a scary movie no matter how many times I’ve seen it. That’s just how I roll. ☺️

@mikegordon9801 - 08.03.2025 23:08

Hot ultrasonic would maybe pop that crystal intact 😢
