A realtor can give me a CMA (Competitive Market Analysis) when I come, but it isn't likely that it will be the best Comparables. In fact, 90% of Realtor can even put one together. The other issue these days is a listing agent interfering with my work. Get everyone out of the house, let me get in, and DO NOT CALL THE LENDER. If you call the lender about anything, you can face Violation of Appraiser Independence, and potentially attempted mortgage fraud. I do not want the sellers there. If the listing price is set up from a good CMA that uses the same comparables that will be used in the appraisal, then you have a better chance of the value matching the contract price. But again. Almost none of todays agents understand market value, and actually write CMA's. Like most Realtors, you act like we are on the same level. We aren't. Look at the requirements for licensing. You could not get past the first 10 questions of my State Board Test. If both the buyer and selling start talking to me about the appraisal being too low, then I call the lender and inform them of collusion. Neither of you should be calling me, and if it comes through the lender, or AMC, I will assume that whoever you talked to doesn't know how to do their job. I will also send it to the State Licensing Board. Seasoned appraisers do not have bias, and do their work down the middle, no mater what. Any attempt to discredit my work with any kind accusations coming from a conversation that occur to clarify conditions in the appraisal (at my discretion) will result in big trouble. The truth is, if a Realtor does their homework on a property, the sale price is not a problem. Don't challenge me on condition or quality adjustments, because even if you have written a CMA, those things are not taken into account. I grew up with a Dad that is a builder. I also know how the difference between building costs and market acceptance for quality on a resale. You can spend a ton on a log home, but find your self in a situation where the market value will be considerably lees than the build cost. Log homes in the median price range are not always going to get a full return. Some like to call it an over improvement. Finally, if you don't have a frim grasp on the valuation process, don't blame the appraiser for a low value. I work for the lender, and my methodology is developed by lender guidelines.
1) The REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY is motivated to RAISE the property PRICE (value) and make a BIGGER cut.
Only real estate industry charges for their services in PERCENTAGE of the PRODUCT VALUE ( house).
The HIGHER the property value, the BIGGER the cut for the exactly same services, while the rest of the industries charge per job, or hourly.
2) The BANKS want to raise the house value because the property belongs to the bank until it is fully paid off, and the banks want to increase property values.
Also, they are making BIGGER PROFITS of he BIGGER loans.
3)The GOVERNMENT wants to RAISE the property value and TAX people up , to the neck, and get MORE REVENUE.
** ALL those AGENCIES are JACKING UP THE HOUSE PRICES (values). None of them are motivated to REDUCE the house price.
It's a clear CONFLICT OF INTERESTS. The house prices are GOING UP from thin air.
1) The HOUSE AGE DEPRECIATION VALUE, which real estate industry and BANKS are totally ignoring.
That is why HOA FEES DOUBLED and TRIPLED, because older buildings require more MONEY for REPAIR and MAINTENANCE.
The house like a car is getting OLD, OUTDATED, ROTTEN, corroded RUSTY plumbing and electrical.
It requires a lot of money for REPAIRS and RENOVATIONS.
New roof, new windows, new hardwood flooring, paint, new plumbing, new A/C and furnace, new water heater, driveway, etc.,
It's ONLY in the real estate industry, OLDER HOUSE VALUE are GOING UP!!!
2) The APPRAISALS done JUST BY the SQUARE FOOTAGE, location the MEDIUM PRICE ON THE BLOCK, Ignoring any UPGRADES OR RENOVATIONS was done, also QUALITY of building materials.
Laminate or granite countertops, hardwood or carpet flooring, new or old windows and doors, new appliances, etc.
3).The INVESTMENT COMPANIES have a lot of money, and they are BIG COMPETITORS for the RESIDENTIAL homebuyers.
They create a huge demand on the market and cause prices to go up.
The INVESTMENT COMPANIES shouldn't be allowed to buy RESIDENTIAL properties, but COMMERCIAL ONLY.
All those factors leading to the HOUSE BUBBLE, created, by the same real estate industry.
When house prices are inflated beyond the reasonable point, and people can't afford it anymore, the house market is collapsing.
sound difficult
ОтветитьStill waiting to learn something.
ОтветитьDon't really need an appraiser to set the value of your home, they could be wrong too, I look at comps in the surrounding areas within a 2 mile radius to determine the value of my house in price per square foot, zillow is pretty accurate too. Sell to cash buyers for the best deals, don't sell to a buyer that only put down 20% because the bank would need an appraiser to check the house and set a value of the house before they lend out their money.
ОтветитьGreat information! One comment - the "whoosh" sound gets annoying. At times is like every couple of seconds. Please keep the words, but turn off the woosh.
ОтветитьWorked for an appraisal firm and they are usually hired by the bank. It’s a symbiotic relationship, meaning bank gives all/ most of their business to certain firms and appraisers knowing sale price makes appraisal work so bank does not lose mortgage customers. Obviously appraisals must honest and fair but definitely some wiggle room. This is generally speaking of course.
ОтветитьBlack in white out.
ОтветитьAppraisals are not licensed, Appraisers are. Appraisals are certified by the Appraiser.
ОтветитьDoes living on a dead end next to nice wooded area? Add to appraisal value or property value?
If so, how much? Percentage?
And statistically pictures of Black people or any indictation the owners are black. Maybe you could do a video about that?