9 Reasons to Buy Micro Four Thirds Cameras in 2024

9 Reasons to Buy Micro Four Thirds Cameras in 2024

Kai W

1 год назад

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@derJackistweg - 18.06.2024 20:46

Panasonic sponsered this video, the next trip....?
A GH6 is laying on my desk - doesnt change that M43 is dead. Like it or not.
Same as Sony A-Mount. Took some years after the anoucement of the A99 till Sony admitted that.

@GeekyNerdyTechy - 19.06.2024 16:15

Fun video, Kai! Nice job.

@Centauri27 - 20.06.2024 02:04

I can''t believe Kai broke his GM1 while filming this... 😕

@JoZhWorld - 21.06.2024 06:45

Nowadays, MFT bodies and lenses also not that cheap and not that small. Should I invest on GH7 or S52x as a first mirrorless camera? Most probably 60% video and 40% photos.

@Beverchakus - 21.06.2024 09:10

love this videos! you guys are funny as hell together

@beameup64 - 25.06.2024 14:14

I graduated from 4/3 and ordered the E-M1. I now have the E-M5ii and the E-PL10 Pen as well. The Pen is my favorite.
PS: I used the original Pen 1/2 frame 35mm film camera when stationed in Korea in 1966.

@LifeOfOscarin - 29.06.2024 19:17

love my GH5ii and S5 combo. GH5ii makes top notch videos and the S5 is just a great hybrid camera. When i want a straight photography session then ill pull out my 5D Mark IV

@JonInLondon - 02.07.2024 19:47

What's the shutter speed? 1/1000th? Plus the bit rate? 1Mbps? What went wrong?
BTW I have had a bunch of m43 cameras (4, vs. 3 DSLRs) and still use them for shooting wildlife quite a lot, but the low pixel counts (vs 42..60MP FF cameras) mean you need to be tighter to the subject to get a decent number of pixels over it and then it's really hard to see something arriving or to follow it afterwards (BTW the Oly Red Dot sight really does help there!).
I think they need something in the 34..38MP to help with that, plus sales in China just won't go anywhere at 20..25MP and ignoring that market seems brave (err, crazy?).
Impressed my GH3, GH4 and GH5 are now kinda small compared to the GH7... I may get one, but it's bigger than many higher-end FF cameras... Plus more expensive than some of their FF cameras...

@itsmeurboi - 12.07.2024 21:01

I just picked up a Canon R10 for 500 quid in perfect working order. just with scuffs on the body :l

@Timat-s4n - 14.07.2024 00:23

M43 continues to be under rated, especially as compared to APSC since the general image quality is very close to APSC and M43 usually has a big form factor/portability advantage.

By the way Yamaha not only makes motorized vehicles and pianos as well as electronic keyboards but also a wide range of electric and acoustic/classical guitars. That's some diversity!

@JezdziecBezNicka - 25.07.2024 15:32

I mostly use big bodies with big lenses on m43, but I would love to see some more small-ish gear released in the future. Weather-sealed 25/1.8 and 45/1.8, Pen-F mark ii — where are you? :D

@georgemahlum6542 - 09.08.2024 01:12

I just want the Pan GX9 (continuation) and the Oly/OM systems Pen F (continuation)....For some reason both companies seem to have a deaf ear to many of their users..
(Pan S9 my ass!)...Cheers

@lookylookie - 11.08.2024 12:31

M43 rocks . Hated lugging FF gear around, love taking m43 gear out ! Which is what it’s all about at the end of the day

@JGushi87 - 12.08.2024 19:25

I bought a om-5 recently, do you know a good guide to understand how to use it? :)

@CocoKoi321 - 18.08.2024 19:15

Nah..... id rather go a6100 even just get a sigma 30mm f1.4 and get myself as close as possible to full frame performance with that setup

@nix123ism - 21.08.2024 00:18

I own a few m43 cameras , EM10,EM5,EM5 mk2, g85 have never been that impressed with the images from any of them...I own a Fuji x20 , a6000,a5100 and all bought 2nd hand. For the cost of a m43 setup you can get a better camera that takes better pics my a6000 and x20 take better pics than any of my m43 cameras and cost the same second hand....

@PetCactusA_HarmlessLittlePrick - 21.08.2024 03:58

1 Reason not to Buy Micro Four Thirds Cameras ever : It's Micro Four Thirds!

@Koji-888 - 22.08.2024 20:07

Wow. Has he matured.? No more silly nasty jokes.?
Oh.. a sponsorship video. 🤷🏻‍♀️

@chetanunindracusin664 - 24.08.2024 04:01

I start with cannon 40yrs ago change to olympus over 10yrs never look back now om1 mk2

@formermpc10 - 06.09.2024 22:40

After using m43 for a decade I no longer recommend it. The system's weaknesses are too great.

Yes, the system is dying. OMD discounting its flagship after three months is not a good sign.

@mister_snoogles9031 - 07.09.2024 21:57

I've never seen your channel, also idk why it suggested me this video while i was looking for cars XD specifically the Kia K4 and now im like hooked. the algo is strange XD

@owenlaprath4135 - 16.09.2024 12:28

M4/3 is kinda like the modern K-Bayonet, with all those great lenses, and 2 major makers of cams and lenses too, and many more lens makers, and in-body jiggle correction, and small and light, and fantastic image quality and .... sooo much!!!!

@davidbudzynski9290 - 17.09.2024 21:56

nah im good

@numbersix8919 - 30.09.2024 08:24

A GM1 died to show GR and X100 hipsters who want to move into ILS that MFT is the logical next step.
Thank you, faithful little GM1.

@triumph_cv - 05.10.2024 22:17

Where is the "I like Dynamic Range!" Super Bokeh Bros t-shirt? Have you dropped it yet?

@blackbirdpie217 - 27.10.2024 03:12

I'm just trying to figure out what micro 4/3 is. 4/3 is 1.33. Does this relate to its aspect ratio in some way? Then there's the micro part. A very small 1.33? Still, nothing. They say only old men are buying these now. I ought to like it then.. I'm trying.

@Jgatti41 - 31.10.2024 19:09

I find myself grabbing my OM-1 over my Sony A7Iv way more often. The weight of the sony gets old fast.

@HueNarcisWorld - 01.11.2024 03:29

the whole point of 4/3 was size. there is no small body with audio input for filming

@Gosarimat - 06.11.2024 15:27

micro4/3rds is awesome. Really hope they keep pushing development in the m4/3rds space.

@JSS75 - 07.11.2024 21:07

From the moment I hand held a 3 second exposure on a G9II and OM-1 I was sold, handheld high res too? its SICK! Nothing else does that.

@WritewheelUK - 08.11.2024 14:19

Hi guys, thanks for the video. I opted for MFT due mainly to weight, or lack of it. I'm ageing, with a bad back and knees. I can now take a selection of lenses out for a day's shoot, and even use my Weebil S gimbal for four hours. Also, and importantly, I take images of flowers and depth of field can be vital, so the lack of bokeh is great. If I need blurring of the background, I have a delightful 25mm (50mm equiv) F1.4 Leica lens for that. At F2.8 it's magic. I've got a GH2, and 2 x G9s, one of which will be replaced with a GH6 soon. I've also had a G7. I've got 5 lenses: the 25mm, a prime 45mm (90) macro (courtesy of MPB), and 12-60 (double it yourself,also via MPB), a 14-140 (best kit lens I've ever had) and a 100-300. The in-camera stabilisation on the G9 is superb and I have shot 300mm (600 equiv) hand-held with great results. Thanks again for the video. MFT is a bit niche, but if the niche suits you, it's the answer to your prayers.

@evertonporter7887 - 19.11.2024 15:09

I just bought myself a used Panasonic G5 to go with my excellent GX80. I find it small, light and a lot of fun for everyday shooting.

@letni9506 - 20.11.2024 18:07

The reason i stick with m43 is because i feel I'm getting mugged with the price of full frame lenses.
They reel you in and before you know it you've spent 10k on the things.
I'll just go out with my 20mm, 14-140 and 100-300 and be happy.
Not saying that's what everyone else should do but i hate how expensive glass is these days.
They are taking the mick and the way photography is heading i don't think that's a good move.

@SakaphotoGraphics - 29.11.2024 11:37

I still have my GM5 but my GH4, E-M1, and GX8 are gone. I ended up with an S5 Mk II. It was a weighty decision and a weighty outcome.

@championthewonderhorse9733 - 05.12.2024 21:51

Panasonic and Olympus are mad for not continuing with the GM1 and Pen F. That is what consumers want now.

@HR-wd6cw - 07.12.2024 22:52

Getting a m4/3 camera with stabilization for travel is one reason I'd still buy m4/3 in 2024 and beyond. If you're just shooting stuff you'd shre online or digitally, 12MP or more is more than plenty, even for 4k video (which only requires about 10MP to be on the safe side). Sure m4/3 cameras may not have the high ISO noise performance of APSC and FF but with modern denoising tech, noise in images is not really an issue anymoore and you can make an ISO 6400 image ook like an ISO 200 or 400 image or better with most cameras regardless of sensor size and modern DeNoising tools. The only real downside with m4/3 is when you start getting into some of the mid-range and higher-end bodies, as they cost about as much as a FF or APSC camera and in some cases are the same size/weight (only the lenses are generally smaller and lighter than FF). But compared to APSC, it seems that some lenses and bodies are about th same in most aspects (cost, size, weight) so in those cases, APSC may be a better option since the size/weight/cost benefit of m4/3 sort of goes out the door.

@AirGunWeb - 12.12.2024 06:44

Hey there guys.. i just bought 3 GH5 MK 2s for my work. And, I got two OM 8-25 f4s and an OM 12-100 f4. I also have an S5II but trying to build out 2 more of those with suitable glass was just more than I can spend right now. I just finished a project in NYC and had a day to go take photos around the city and central park. I've been focused on telephoto lenses for so long I never knew how great wide angle lenses could be. Nearly instantly I moved to the 8-25 and stayed on that for the rest of the day. It was an awesome learning experience. I can't wait to go out and do more. Now I've got my eyes on on a set of Sigma primes.. they are still on sale from black Friday.


@djogz - 19.12.2024 10:09

Dropping the camera is so classic!

@AnthonyKongSYD - 19.12.2024 22:23

lol. the last bit of the video about the broken camera is hilarious.

@adambreuse1875 - 21.12.2024 18:11

Just bought an E-P3 the best looking ever camera providing you buy it in silver ..... yummy 👍👍

@omererdim - 29.12.2024 00:13

M43 besttttttttt.

@ABCDABCD-i1g - 29.12.2024 00:48

What does the two yellow poerks try to convince?

@ironmeme7340 - 20.01.2025 21:37

Had the video playing on my other monitor and I had to check that it wasn't Uncle Roger talking.

@pweddy1 - 07.02.2025 11:51

I’m just laughing at Kai wondering off the path as he walks backwards!

@ahojahojish - 07.02.2025 15:05

m43 definitely nit dead and still has it’s place. As a matter of fact, I would say m43 is the best way to go for causal shooters/enthusiats. Street, travel and wildlife photo is best with m43. I shoot the S5 ii with a 24-70 f2.8 and there is no way I’m taking that combo on a family trip LOL. I’m taking my G80 and the 12-35 f2.8 and I’m perfectly happy with the results. M43 has a very high image quality as long as you know what you’re doing. Sure, the FF has the upper hand in high iso and DOF but at what cost? Big weight and size compromise to the point you don’t even want to take it out with you many times.

@nabeela4005 - 16.02.2025 19:34


@thetabletopskirmisher - 27.02.2025 11:45

It's still kicking that's for sure 😂

@selfhelp69 - 01.03.2025 10:41

Great to see Kai and Lok are still around. They were the only reason to watch Digital Rev.

@FerroDGmng - 20.03.2025 21:51

oly 40-150 f2.8 pro is crazy on MFT
