Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown | Buenos Aires | S07 E08 | All Documentary

Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown | Buenos Aires | S07 E08 | All Documentary

Banijay Documentaries

2 года назад

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@humblewoodcutter2754 - 16.09.2023 07:27

This is a very special episode. But when we remember AB we don't cry. We Tango.

@scofab - 04.10.2023 14:24

Amazing as always.
Thank you Anthony.

@jonnowocky8179 - 16.10.2023 17:42

Wish I could speak through the screen and remind Tony how much more he was than a food tube. ❤

@vicinoorsini5163 - 24.12.2023 17:43

Lantos llevame a pasear un ratoo jajajaja

@khalaka1160 - 16.01.2024 06:10

This episode it's full of clues

@franthi28 - 25.01.2024 07:45

Jajajaja que, tomaban birra con coca y el fernet solo

@monicanadde - 04.02.2024 15:05

Soledad. Eso era lo que el tenia. Una profunda y espantosa soledad. Es necesario encontrar amor en amigos y barrio. Lo social es fundamental. Saber dar y recibir amor. Compartir la alegria. Ser humanos siempre y compartir momentos lindos con gente de trabajo. El trabajo es parte del higar de uno. Tiene que serlo. Ganar dinero sin padecer.

@Daniel-or8wq - 20.02.2024 21:22

love tony

@Daniel-or8wq - 20.02.2024 21:22

what's the song at the end?

@artecallejerolatinoamerica - 16.03.2024 08:28

no conocía esto. solo conoci no reservations. la p*a ma** estoy llorando.

@sedoff1948 - 22.04.2024 12:29

Not that Buenos Aires is a favorite of mine, nor do I eat meat or enjoy soccer, but I thought this was one of the best of Anthony’s documentaries. Very cleverly presented with superb cinematography as usual. And oddly, sitting here now in Vietnam in 100° heat I recently decided to head to Argentina. I’m sick of noodles. Anthony, I believe, was so loved because he was an interesting man and so genuine and truly enjoyed being with people.

@iammaxhammer - 25.04.2024 00:17

This is nothing short of an absolute masterpiece.

@treborif - 09.05.2024 11:16

I didn't know who Anthony Bourdain was then when he passed kept on not knowing. I've now watched all these docos over a few days. He was a genuine real man - a man's man. As the saying goes for blokes my age. He wasnt squeamish with dispatching and gutting animals, shooting them too. He liked guns, beer and food. I can see him getting messed up over a gal. the main thing I took from these docos how sad and mad all the people he's interacted with in these episodes would be. Almost every episode is a country invaded, bommbed, interfered with, etc etc by america so that could hurt and the episodes actually in merica itself are just heartbreaking - he was a true renaissance man in the real sense of the word. Enjoyed every episode - should be required viewing in schools - specially merican schools . .

@juanmartin604 - 12.05.2024 07:55

No funciono la terapia, pobre Tony... Ya sabría que la Tana lo cagaba? Ojala este mejor donde este... Besito al cielo

@travisplatt6805 - 13.05.2024 05:59

Troubled souls can provide such rich experiences. Tony could make a connection like few others. Miss this guy.

@luliaguirre5029 - 19.05.2024 07:41

Empieza mostrando lo mas típico implicitamente expresado: ver aviones aterrizar y volar, como nos gusta. Que maestro thony que tu alma se encuentre bien.

@ivanajovanovic7330 - 21.05.2024 19:27

@ferchugrutense2646 - 22.05.2024 00:11

un lujo haber tenido de visita a anthony en mi barrio de la boca y que pueda ver la misma onda que el tenia sencillez y sabiduria un grosso

@angchal - 05.06.2024 21:50

whats the name of song/melody please at the end of video

@marceloromero7564 - 06.06.2024 06:37

Que grande antony el mejor de todos.. q.e.p.d me gustaria ver este documental traducido

@christopherwelch136 - 08.06.2024 04:23

Mariana rules.

@sauravdagaSDaga1984 - 09.06.2024 07:56

We should all remember the way he lived. He saw in one life, what it would take more than ten lives for a lot of normal people.

@cryptospacexxxit6281 - 21.06.2024 00:47

Thank you so much Banijay, you are doing a great job that not many people even know off!! Gracias mi amigo.

@KZ-or1zq - 27.06.2024 00:07

A typical documentary about Buenos Aires - eat beef and show football. Nothing else is worth showing in the city, and even these two are arguable.

@leosaura1993 - 25.07.2024 17:39

The one thing i have in common with Bourdain we ar carnivore.

@joseperezcapri - 31.07.2024 15:18

i live in buenos aires ,..... murgas/ carnival are the worst and very obnoxius

@cheewaka76 - 02.08.2024 04:09


@lauramantua7398 - 02.08.2024 21:15

A little sad, right?

@lu3bw - 02.08.2024 21:44

"You should keep doing Therapy"

if he only has listened to the shrink

@YRFKDM8 - 03.08.2024 18:10

"Do you have any vegetables in this country at all?' heheheheheh

@fran1234a3 - 06.08.2024 16:11

Too bad Anthony left us before visiting Buenos Aires again...

Now the city (and country) has improved dramatically in terms of gastronomy.
It's not only meat and asado. Being a country founded by inmigrants, there are tons of different food options and subcultures.

@il9594 - 21.08.2024 00:09

Me gusta este especial porque no muestra una Buenos Aires elegante, presuntuosa... Sino la que conocemos los que la caminamos, cruda, abollada, desprolija... Si bien no creo que Anthony la procese del todo, hizo un gran trabajo. QEPD cheff

@berlineryshay - 29.08.2024 00:00

You see in this episode that the work killed him

@sirleymarialubreto3758 - 30.08.2024 01:10

Hello. I would like to pass you my phone number so we can contact and chat, my sister and family live in USA they are citizens. I am happy to see us Americana who enjoy Argentina.

@thepuci7380 - 06.09.2024 19:03

Such a beautiful documentary, especially with the carnival. 😍

@JeffGush-pu8fy - 21.09.2024 03:55

What an amazing guy! so talented and humane. But I see clearly in this episode the impending doom and sadness. Thank you for these beautiful programs.

@hectorbozza7673 - 25.09.2024 21:36

Me parece tan auténtico este video, una visión más terrena de la realidad social del trabajador y del habitante común, sin maquillajes, sin lujos y sin embargo cotidiano y real.

@malenasuxx - 26.10.2024 03:06

Alguien sabe si ese bodegón en el que comió con Francis sigue existiendo? Lo googleé pero no me sale 😔

@bettermiyatwin - 28.10.2024 16:24

@kromkindkaroo - 22.11.2024 17:55

It's obvious what the source of Tony's depression was. His loneliness and sense of being lost.

@zogsea - 24.11.2024 06:16

As your soul slips out and the curtain drops, I can’t help but wonder—did you even feel it, Tony? Buenos Aires, the real thing, the pulse, the filth, the poetry—it was all right there, and you missed it. Maybe your big New York ego couldn’t handle a city that doesn’t bow to anyone. Rest in peace, man. Maybe next time, if there’s a next time, you’ll finally understand what it means to be a true porteño.

@AnavonRebeur - 10.01.2025 01:37

Nobody in Argentina drinks beer with Coke. I am 100% sure the producers forced hertosay so

@AnamariaBadia-k6t - 22.01.2025 06:15

Argentina te amo🇦🇷 te extraña Anthony

@olinhu - 13.02.2025 00:29

I can't believe how positive the comments are, this is such a terrible show
