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Easy-to-learn Latte Art Basic Tutorial Education Video Part 2! 바리스타커플BaristaCouple 67,617 3 года назад
[ENG] How to mix espresso with steamed milk before making latte art ! basics of latte art. 바리스타커플BaristaCouple 261,209 2 года назад
ENG SUB [Latte Art] Why hearts are small or not drawn! Let's fix perfectly. 바리스타커플BaristaCouple 351,515 4 года назад
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결하트 연습 방법! 꼭 따라해 보세요. 엘빈TV 34,625 3 года назад
라떼아트 결하트의 정석 Gyeol heart Latte art 바리스타커플BaristaCouple 141,399 3 года назад
ENG SUB [Latte Art] You can draw latte art just by understanding the principle of height! 바리스타커플BaristaCouple 147,421 4 года назад
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