Vultures And Crows

Clever crow outsmarts TWO turkey vultures with ONE move Mid-Atlantic Backyard 965,028 1 год назад
Cunning Crow Starts a Fight | Lands of the Monsoon | BBC Earth BBC Earth 2,089,753 9 лет назад
Vultures, Ravens and Crows Guy Monty 68,817 10 лет назад
Vulture vs Crow garyle802 10,273 7 лет назад
Crows vs Griffon Vulture Wild Ark India 285 4 года назад
Crows and vultures: the scavengers' fight for the best bite wocomoWILDLIFE 9,885 5 лет назад
Vultures and Crows- The Gunks MTBthreads 19 11 лет назад
Vulture vs Crows Society's Fault 7,830 8 лет назад
Turkey Vultures vs. Crows - Battle of the peanut platform Leslie Wray Doyle 265 5 лет назад
The Bird Tier List TierZoo 15,370,468 3 года назад
Turkey vultures and crows eating out of the coyote pile Big Perk Outdoors 27 1 год назад
Turkey vultures and crows 1.AVI AnneInFlorida 265 13 лет назад
Crows with Black Cats and Black Vultures Crows 362 1 год назад
Land Lines - Crows, Vultures, Bulls soulfullofnicotine 3,739 12 лет назад
Crows try to chase off a turkey vulture, but reinforcements arrive! Mid-Atlantic Backyard 1,522 1 год назад