Vintage Optiks

This vintage lens has crazy triangular bokeh!! D.I.Y Project. Vintage Optiks 15,003 4 года назад
Fun and unusual lens with awesome square bokeh! D.I.Y Project. Vintage Optiks 14,842 2 года назад
My favorite vintage 50mm f1.4 lens! Vintage Optiks 4,341 1 месяц назад
This $20 vintage lens is out of this world! DIY project. Vintage Optiks 34,319 4 года назад
Cleaning FUNGUS from vintage lenses!! Tools and method. Vintage Optiks 258,100 4 года назад
How to Clean a Vintage Lens with a Huge Fungus Infection Mathieu Stern 427,781 2 года назад
BEST WORST vintage lenses. My Top 5 picks! What are yours? Simon's utak 126,609 2 года назад
Battle of 10 Vintage 135mm Lenses Cheap Shots Lens Reviews and Photography 31,360 4 года назад
Incredible vintage lens for only $15!! D.I.Y project. Vintage Optiks 10,771 3 года назад
Incredible vintage ultra-wide angle lens!! Vintage Optiks 18,748 3 года назад
Superb vintage telephoto lens for less than $50! Vintage Optiks 29,458 3 года назад
Amazing vintage lens from the 1960's! D.I.Y Project. Vintage Optiks 12,650 3 года назад
Amazing vintage macro lens!! Vintage Optiks 23,998 3 года назад
Four Crazy Sharp Vintage Lenses - For Peanuts! Zenography 72,010 4 года назад
Excellent vintage 135mm lens!! Vintage Optiks 4,571 2 месяца назад
The amazing FUJINON 55mm f1.8! Vintage Optiks 5,378 1 месяц назад
FAVORITE 50mm vintage lens. Absolute BEST! Vintage Optiks 46,132 4 года назад
Excellent vintage Soviet lens - Industar 61!! Vintage Optiks 21,823 4 года назад
Legendary vintage macro lens! One of the BEST!! Vintage Optiks 37,496 5 лет назад
Legendary Vintage Lens - Nikkor 105mm f2.5 Vintage Optiks 67,423 4 года назад
Auto Sears 55mm f1.4! One of my most favorite vintage lenses. Vintage Optiks 23,871 3 года назад
This vintage zoom lens is shockingly good! Vintage Optiks 21,786 3 года назад
Fast, compact and super sharp 85mm vintage lens! Vintage Optiks 15,740 4 года назад
Fantastic vintage 100mm lens!! Vintage Optiks 16,637 3 года назад
Vintage M42 lens with amazing out-of-focus blur! Vintage Optiks 18,069 4 года назад