Uk Explored

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I went to "Britain's ROUGHEST Estate" and it was SHOCKING! UK Explored 677,920 1 год назад
I Went to The 5 WORST AREAS to LIVE in CARDIFF (According to Locals!) UK Explored 84,626 5 месяцев назад
LYE, the most DANGEROUS and ANTISOCIAL West Midlands Town! UK Explored 56,656 1 год назад
Inside one of the UK's Worst GANG-RUN, Lawless Estates! UK Explored 67,785 1 год назад
Inside OXFORD’s POOREST Areas (W/Poverty Stats) UK Explored 34,497 8 месяцев назад
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I Explored the 5 WORST AREAS to Live in COVENTRY! UK Explored 124,657 10 месяцев назад
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