Ufo Reports

What to Know About Canada’s UFO Report | The Social The Social CTV 52,654 4 дня назад
Government Breaks Silence: Strange Encounters | UFO's Investigating the Unknown National Geographic 5,819,542 10 месяцев назад
Top 4 UFO Sightings AROUND THE WORLD! | The Proof Is Out There HISTORY 2,540,452 2 года назад
UFO caught LIVE on camera during Newscast in Buffalo WKBW TV | Buffalo, NY 979,824 6 лет назад
Pilots report mysterious 'UFO' sightings in Oregon NBC News 490,830 2 месяца назад
The UnXplained: Leaked Classified UFO Videos Stun the Public! HISTORY 883,224 4 месяца назад
UFO Sightings: Navy Pilots Share Their Experiences | NOVA | PBS NOVA PBS Official 60,090 1 месяц назад
Live UFO sighting on Channel 4 News? Channel 4 News 1,006,294 13 лет назад
UFO sightings spark intrigue over Central Valley skies KMPH FOX26 NEWS 432,872 1 месяц назад
Dozens saw bizarre UFO sighting at Red Rocks FOX31 Denver 284,755 8 месяцев назад
UFO sightings in Oregon skies baffle some commercial pilots KGW News 453,369 2 месяца назад
UFO report. Multiple aircraft report unknown objects over Oregon. Real ATC You can see ATC 107,842 2 месяца назад
The Global Threat (Full Episode) | UFOs: Investigating the Unknown National Geographic 5,209,533 1 год назад