Thersites The Historian

Plantagenet Kings of England Tier-Ranking, Part I (feat. Ben Gerber) Thersites the Historian 4,977 1 месяц назад
History of Britain IV: Caesar in Britain, Reconnaissance in Force, 55-54 BCE Thersites the Historian 5,057 1 месяц назад
History of Britain VI: Prime Roman Britain Thersites the Historian 4,393 55 лет назад
History of Britain III: Celtic Britain Thersites the Historian 5,937 1 месяц назад
History of Britain I: Hail Prettanike! Early References to the British Isles Thersites the Historian 9,905 1 месяц назад
Marcus Livius Salinator, Consul 219 and 207, Censor 204 BCE Thersites the Historian 1,830 6 лет назад
Ancient Coins: Constantine's Family Classical Numismatics 8,519 2 года назад
Gjermania kthesë historike, 1 trilion € për të forcuar ushtrinë Euronews Albania 1,636 17 часов назад
Late Roman Empire: The Decline of Cities Thersites the Historian 495,195 4 года назад
History of Britain II: Stonehenge; The Druids, Vates, and Celtic Religion Thersites the Historian 5,013 1 месяц назад
Gaius Sallustius Crispus, Historian and Praetor 46 BCE Thersites the Historian 4,280 1 месяц назад
History of Britain V: Roman Conquest of Britain Thersites the Historian 5,007 1 месяц назад
Etruscan Cities and Civilization Thersites the Historian 165,831 4 года назад
King Arthur: History and Myth (feat. Sean Chick) Thersites the Historian 5,709 5 месяцев назад
2024 Year In Review (feat. Sean Chick, Michael Kraemer, Monica Shepherd) Thersites the Historian 3,389 2 месяца назад
The Fall of the Western Roman Empire (Lecture 2.2) Thersites the Historian 51,358 7 лет назад
Byzantium, 1204-1453: Restoration, Twilight, and Fall Thersites the Historian 33,599 7 лет назад
Failure of the Sullan Order: Roman Politics, 80-60 BCE Thersites the Historian 56,451 3 года назад
Aulus Gabinius, Consul 58 BCE Thersites the Historian 4,497 5 месяцев назад
Peter Stewart Ney, Schoolmaster and Marshal Ney Impersonator, ca. 1769-1846 Thersites the Historian 1,509 55 лет назад
World War I: A General Overview (feat. Sean Chick) Thersites the Historian 24,173 4 года назад