The Scottish Quality Management Centre

IRCA Auditor Training at the Scottish Quality Management Centre The Scottish Quality Management Centre 4,548 13 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A - What is 'Management Review'? The Scottish Quality Management Centre 600 11 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A - What are 'Processes' and why should auditors identify them? The Scottish Quality Management Centre 331 11 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A - What is a Controlled Document? The Scottish Quality Management Centre 1,092 12 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q&A: How to measure customer satisfaction? The Scottish Quality Management Centre 830 11 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A: The Bottom Line of 9001 - What is meant by "scope"? The Scottish Quality Management Centre 310 9 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A: How do You Control Suppliers The Scottish Quality Management Centre 408 11 лет назад
Course Preview (Part 2) :ISO 9001 Foundation Course for Auditors BSI Neville Clarke 586 11 лет назад
Video SQMC Introducción Wave 87 6 лет назад
Recognised for Excellence Quality Scotland 251 8 лет назад
ISO 9001 Quality Objectives (ISO 9001 video 9 of 9) Certification Europe 3,031 12 лет назад
Understanding ISO 9001:2015: Quality objectives Peter van Nederpelt 11,401 9 лет назад
Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme Scottish Government 1,250 10 лет назад
Managing Water in Forests - Harvesting Untitled 3,866 9 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q&A: What does "Validation of Processes" mean? The Scottish Quality Management Centre 1,271 11 лет назад
The difference between records and documents The Scottish Quality Management Centre 2,325 9 лет назад
ISO 9001 Lead Auditor - David's Testimonial for SQMC, Scotland, UK. The Scottish Quality Management Centre 13 6 месяцев назад
Introduction to SQMC The Scottish Quality Management Centre 107 11 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A - What is meant by 'Quality Objectives'? The Scottish Quality Management Centre 798 11 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A: "Is calibration important in ISO 9001?" The Scottish Quality Management Centre 438 9 лет назад
ISO 9001 Q & A - Addressing a Misunderstanding of "Purchasing" (Clause 7.4) The Scottish Quality Management Centre 645 11 лет назад
Quality management training courses introduction | SQMC The Scottish Quality Management Centre 438 12 лет назад
Can quality improvement save money too? 1000 Lives Improvement 72 11 лет назад