Statistics Guides With Prof Paul Christiansen

R tutorial: Renaming string data Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 71 2 месяца назад
Descriptive statistics in SPSS Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 16,252 5 лет назад
R Tutorial: Pearson's and Spearman's Correlation. Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 10,806 4 года назад
Comparing two independent groups in JASP Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 7,841 5 лет назад
R Tutorial: Linear mixed-effects models part 2- Repeated measures ANOVA with multiple IVs Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 12,150 3 года назад
Independent samples t-test in SPSS Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 2,371 5 лет назад
Statistics Course Overview | Best Statistics Course | MarinStatsLectures MarinStatsLectures-R Programming & Statistics 272,015 6 лет назад
One way within subjects ANOVA in SPSS Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 13,815 5 лет назад
Friedman test in SPSS Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 14,181 5 лет назад
Statistics Fundamentals | Dr Kristin Sainani Stuart McErlain-Naylor 12,510 4 года назад
univariate ANOVA in SPSS Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 24,964 5 лет назад
R Tutorial: Boxplots using base R Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 124 9 месяцев назад
R tutorial: Switching long format data to wide format, and wide format to long format Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 468 5 месяцев назад
Multivariate analysis of variance MANOVA Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 4,851 5 лет назад
R Tutorial: Linear mixed-effects models part 1- Repeated measures ANOVA Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 35,130 4 года назад
R tutorial: Creating Maps and mapping data with ggplot2 Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 108,376 3 года назад
R tutorial: Ordinal regression Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 19,933 2 года назад
one sample t-test in SPSS Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 383 5 лет назад
Wilcoxon Signed Ranks test in SPSS Statistics Guides with Prof Paul Christiansen 1,142 5 лет назад