Southeastern Angling

Meet Captain Scott Owens with Southeastern Angling One Hundred Miles 174 1 год назад
Georgia Flats Fishing for Redfish with DOA Lures and Mogan Spoon Addictive Fishing 30,078 7 лет назад
Redfish crushes fly in St. Simons Island Georgia! Southeastern Angling 1,364 7 лет назад
Huge school of redfish cruising the flat. Southeastern Angling 601 8 лет назад
St Simons island tarpon fishing with Capt. Scott Owens Southeastern Angling 1,358 8 лет назад
Sight fishing large schools of redfish with Capt. Scott Owens Southeastern Angling 537 8 лет назад
Captain Scott Owens captscottowens 1,619 15 лет назад
Wading to a 20lb permit. Capt. Scott Owens Southeastern Angling 389 9 лет назад
Shallow water sight fishing Georgia Southeastern Angling 337 8 лет назад
Snook fishing the Everglades with Capt. Scott Owens Southeastern Angling 248 8 лет назад
"FLY" Southeastern Angling 432 8 лет назад
This kid is just a natural at catching tarpon Southeastern Angling 358 8 лет назад
Redfish on Fly St. Simon Island, GA - Capt. Scott Owens Dayne Larsen 417 14 лет назад
Fly Fishing in St Simons Island Georgia fishingingeorgia 372 15 лет назад
Love the outdoor life? Watch "FLY" and get ready to go adventure! Southeastern Angling 250 8 лет назад