South Asia Institute At Columbia University

November 23, 2020: A talk by Usha Iyer, “Dancer-Actresses as Choreographers of New Mobilities.” South Asia Institute at Columbia University 1,241 4 года назад
Southeast Asian Studies at Columbia University Weatherhead East Asian Institute 2,635 7 лет назад
February 5, 2024: A talk by Naeem Mohaiemen (Columbia School of the Arts) South Asia Institute at Columbia University 325 10 месяцев назад
September 25, 2020: Master Class with Prof. Partha Chatterjee South Asia Institute at Columbia University 4,027 4 года назад
October 16, 2020 Master Class with Prof. Rachel McDermott South Asia Institute at Columbia University 1,069 4 года назад
Institute of South Asian Language Studies Institute of South Asian Langauge Studies, LLC 40 2 года назад
Sept. 20, 2021: A talk by Sumit Guha on “Languages of Empire in South Asia, 1500-1900” South Asia Institute at Columbia University 634 3 года назад
Jan. 30, 2023: A talk by Chad Bauman on “Violence against Christians in Modi's India” South Asia Institute at Columbia University 241 1 год назад
South Asia in the age of Sustainable Development - Dr Jeffery Sachs TERI School of Advanced Studies 252 10 лет назад
November 13, 2020: Panel on "Bombay Hustle: Making Movies in a Colonial City" by Debashree Mukherjee South Asia Institute at Columbia University 1,052 4 года назад
Weatherhead East Asian Institute Celebrates 70 Years Weatherhead East Asian Institute 1,503 6 лет назад
Beyond Security: Welcome and Introduction Columbia University 4,145 13 лет назад
October 30, 2020: Master Class: Prof. Katherine Ewing, "Sufis & the State: An Ethnographic Approach" South Asia Institute at Columbia University 671 4 года назад
50th Anniversary of the Tet Offensive Weatherhead East Asian Institute 400 7 лет назад
"Caste and Contemporary India" Conference: Columbia University 1,974 14 лет назад
March 19, 2021: Master Class by Prof. Vidya Dehejia South Asia Institute at Columbia University 2,003 3 года назад
January 31, 2022: A talk by SherAli Tareen (Franklin and Marshall) South Asia Institute at Columbia University 649 2 года назад
April 10, 2022: A talk by Nile Green, “Architectural Rekhta: The History of Art History in Urdu" South Asia Institute at Columbia University 377 1 год назад

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