Soaps By Glenda

Making a Geode Soap with hand cut crystal embeds Soaps by Glenda 1,541 4 года назад
Hearts of Pink Cold Process soap in PVC pipe Soaps by Glenda 818 4 года назад
Hearts of Pink Collab with Beautiful Soaps By Glenda Soaps For Love 156 4 года назад
Collaboration with Beautiful Soaps by Glenda Soaps For Love 112 4 года назад
Northern Lights Cold Process Soap Making Peace City Soaps 121 3 года назад
Making an Ugly soap Pretty - Or rescuing a failed CP soap Soaps by Glenda 507 4 года назад
Making Mustache Soap Soaps by Glenda 160 5 лет назад
HOW TO COLOR AND ADD SPARKLE TO YOUR SOAP DOUGH Life after 50 with Liz 308 2 года назад
snowflake pull screen soap (again) - Winter soap #1 Soaps by Glenda 197 4 года назад
Planetary Galaxy Soap: Using up my soap scrap embeds #2 Komodo Art Soaps 302 4 года назад
️Winter Wonderland️| Cold Process Soap Royally Made 68 2 года назад
CP Soap pouring technique sink strainers Praririebirdpottery 32,561 6 лет назад
Garden Inspired Soap - Cold process Soap Soaps by Glenda 278 2 года назад
Making Honey Soap - Cold process Soap Soaps by Glenda 263 2 года назад
Making soap with Inlays Soaps by Glenda 427 5 лет назад
Making an orange marmalade and strawberry shortcake soap Soaps by Glenda 385 3 года назад
Galaxy soap - Cold process Soap Soaps by Glenda 166 2 года назад
Starry Night Cold process soap Soaps by Glenda 301 3 года назад
Making a wave soap Soaps by Glenda 349 3 года назад
Polar bear Cold Process Soap - Winter Soap #3 Soaps by Glenda 296 4 года назад
Aurora Borealis Cold Process Soap with Neon pigments Soaps by Glenda 402 4 года назад
Product Photography - taking soap pictures Soaps by Glenda 2,513 4 года назад