
Bien trying to use Watendawili have you paid Asige? sabatosautiyaground 3,002 15 часов назад
Peter salasi Rehabilitation needed Paid by MPs sabatosautiyaground 5,992 1 день назад
Bahati and Georgina plan to leak a joint Video without nurse Judy sabatosautiyaground 6,591 2 дня назад
Savara says Harmonize wasn’t CALLED sabatosautiyaground 2,607 2 дня назад
abbas kubaff Dubeez needs Rehabilitation sabatosautiyaground 11,594 3 дня назад
Khalif Kairo and clement UNHEALTHY relationship sabatosautiyaground 3,729 3 дня назад
Tanzanians Hating on themselves sabatosautiyaground 4,183 3 дня назад
Why Kenya was Snubbed at Trace awards sabatosautiyaground 1,472 4 дня назад
PROOF MAANDY CANT DO REAL MUSIC sabatosautiyaground 2,697 4 дня назад
Harmonize AOMBA BIEN BANGI NA OGA OBINA GARI KENYA sabatosautiyaground 8,738 5 дней назад
TERRIFYING WARNING ABOUT PLACARD CLUB GIRLS sabatosautiyaground 29,923 7 месяцев назад
Churchill Is Not LOVED BY COMEDIANS sabatosautiyaground 3,939 2 месяца назад
King kalala want’s a boyfriend sabatosautiyaground 15,551 1 месяц назад
Churchill puts pride and Won’t Apologize to Joel sabatosautiyaground 2,803 2 месяца назад
MUNGAI eve And her friend lying on CAMERA sabatosautiyaground 37,683 2 месяца назад
Kenyans CRYING IN POVERTY sabatosautiyaground 6,140 4 месяца назад
Jaba is the QUICKEST WAY TO POVERTY sabatosautiyaground 6,230 3 месяца назад
Dr Kingori IS THE TEACHER Oga is A STUDENT IN INTERVIEWS sabatosautiyaground 1,239 3 месяца назад
MBOGI GENJE GREAT FALL sabatosautiyaground 6,387 3 месяца назад
ANGRY AND DRUNK ANDREW KIBE MAKES AN APPEARANCE AT A LOCAL CLUB sabatosautiyaground 2,412 9 месяцев назад
SCAR MLABANGI WILL SING FOR W**D sabatosautiyaground 5,134 2 месяца назад
VIJANA BARUBARU AMA NI BARABARA sabatosautiyaground 2,698 4 месяца назад
THE END OF SAUTISOL!! sabatosautiyaground 2,346 1 год назад
Kibe,Morara,Chikuku ,Trevor Shebedu of this week sabatosautiyaground 7,800 1 месяц назад
OGA obina Jumping ON a SINKING SHIP sabatosautiyaground 167 1 год назад
Stupid boy was born to be a failure sabatosautiyaground 17,584 2 месяца назад
NO MONEY NO CARS KWA YARD Ya Kairo sabatosautiyaground 29,959 2 месяца назад
Diamond Being Humbled by ALIKIBA sabatosautiyaground 3,918 2 месяца назад
IS AZZIAS GOING BROKE sabatosautiyaground 16,964 1 месяц назад