
Is Obesity A Choice? (Science Explained) Jeff Nippard 1,563,972 2 года назад
Obesity | National Geographic National Geographic 708,746 17 лет назад
What is obesity? - Mia Nacamulli TED-Ed 1,150,395 8 лет назад
The Obesity Epidemic Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) 436,732 13 лет назад
Obesity rates skyrocket in U.S. KTLA 5 70,348 1 год назад
Obesity: England’s most pressing healthcare challenge? Royal College of Physicians 245,503 3 года назад
Health I Understanding obesity with Sanele Dlamini SABC News 273 2 дня назад
Obesity in America ABC News 1,632,930 14 лет назад
Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome | Clinical Medicine Ninja Nerd 71,030 1 год назад
Science of obesity Novo Nordisk 25,418 5 лет назад
Time to act on obesity: why is it so difficult to lose weight? Michigan Medicine 503,296 5 лет назад
Addressing childhood obesity today to protect the health of future generations World Health Organization Regional Office for the Western Pacific 68,283 3 года назад
Obesity, Causes, SIgns and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Medical Centric 314,160 5 лет назад
The Weight of the Nation: Poverty and Obesity (HBO Docs) HBODocs 1,761,984 12 лет назад
Is Obesity a Choice? - with Giles Yeo The Royal Institution 229,171 5 лет назад
Obesity and Weight Management UK Health Security Agency 41,260 7 лет назад
The cold, hard facts about obesity in America KHOU 11 250,328 5 лет назад