Maxine Olivi

what I spend in a week living in Vancouver maxine olivi 3,744 4 месяца назад
host a dinner party with me! VLOG maxine olivi 2,406 4 месяца назад
shopping in Paris (and other things) maxine olivi 2,011 55 лет назад
this is what I do all day | VLOG maxine olivi 3,440 5 месяцев назад
Thank You So Much For Asking - Episode 1 (30 things I learned at 30) maxine olivi 3,042 5 месяцев назад
trying on every ITEM in my closet *HUGE CLOSET CLEAN OUT* *AGAIN* maxine olivi 7,892 4 месяца назад
Answering 36 Questions to Fall In Love... VLOGMAS DAY 3 maxine olivi 3,502 2 года назад
I found the coolest stuff at this antique market! + HAUL maxine olivi 2,424 2 месяца назад
how to have the perfect Sunday in Florence, Italy maxine olivi 1,475 1 месяц назад
cooking dinner every night this week | COOK WITH ME maxine olivi 3,403 5 месяцев назад
What I Got For My Birthday!! - VLOGMAS DAY 8 maxine olivi 3,149 2 года назад
Thank You So Much For Asking - Episode 5 (stop doing this in 2025) maxine olivi 2,232 2 месяца назад
are we still friends? maxine olivi 3,573 7 месяцев назад
It's almost my birthday!!! VLOGMAS DAY 6 maxine olivi 2,449 2 года назад
this is my new hyperfixation meal | Pasta e Patate maxine olivi 1,645 1 месяц назад