Knot Your Type

How to Put Thread in Needle | Knot Your Type Knot Your Type 8,301 1 год назад
11. SATIN STITCH Knot Your Type 6,995 7 месяцев назад
14. WOVEN STITCH Knot Your Type 5,583 7 месяцев назад
7. FLY STITCH Knot Your Type 4,587 7 месяцев назад
5. SPLIT STITCH Knot Your Type 4,789 7 месяцев назад
Hair Embroidery Tutorial for Beginners by Knot Your Type Knot Your Type 11,355 1 год назад
Unboxing DIY Embroidery Learning Kit | Knot Your Type Knot Your Type 12,547 1 год назад
Finishing Embroidery Hoop from the Back Knot Your Type 10,579 1 год назад
Flower Embroidery Tutorial | How to | Knot Your Type Knot Your Type 19,460 2 года назад
12. LAZY DAISY Knot Your Type 4,690 7 месяцев назад
Krishna Embroidery DIY kit #learmembroidery #diy #diykits Knot Your Type 2,827 7 дней назад
Embroidery Tips & Tricks by Knot Your Type Knot Your Type 11,230 1 год назад
How to embroider a basket Floral basket DIY kit Knot Your Type 42,072 6 месяцев назад