Journalism Perspectives

COVID-19, Journalism, Media: "Perspectives from the Ethics Center" Part 2: Subbu Vincent Markkula Center for Applied Ethics 366 4 года назад
COMM 125: Perspectives on American Journalism Stanford 7,308 6 лет назад
Decolonizing journalism: global coverage from a local perspective International Journalism Festival 212 1 год назад
Student Perspectives: BA Fashion Communication: Fashion Journalism Central Saint Martins 4,972 7 лет назад
Perspectives in Philanthropy: Journalism, Media, and Justice The University of Chicago Booth School of Business 103 3 года назад
Finding the Story: Perspectives on the Journalism/Public Relations Divide (Panel discussion) Japan Scicom Forum / ジャパン・サイコム・フォーラム 93 3 года назад
Perspectives Lecture - Journalism BoltonSch 186 4 года назад
Student Perspectives on Global Journalism Greenlee School of Journalism and Communication 91 3 года назад
Nairobi - Supporting African investigative journalism: perspectives from the academy The African Investigative Journalism Conference 52 3 года назад
What is Violent about Mexico? Perspectives from Women in Journalism UC San Diego School of Global Policy and Strategy 134 2 года назад
Perspectives on the State of Journalism Center for Southeast Asian Studies University of Michigan 41 6 лет назад
Journalism Ethics: A Global Perspective SPJ International Community 70 1 год назад
Media Perspectives on the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake GLOBIS Insights 76 1 год назад
COVID-19, Journalism, Media, and : "Perspectives from the Ethics Center" Part 1: Anita Varma Markkula Center for Applied Ethics 419 4 года назад