Jonathan Potter

Loughborough Diaries 2: Jonathan Potter AIEMCA 9,342 14 лет назад
Discourse and Cognition - Jonathan Potter, Plenary, CADAAD 2008 Dominik Lukeš 1,825 10 лет назад
DARGchive interview #7 with Jonathan Potter (1/2) DARGchive 1,141 7 лет назад
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems | Workshop 3 | Session 1 | Dr Jonathan Potter School of Geography and Planning Cardiff University 106 3 года назад
Daniel Radcliffe Can’t Watch Himself In Harry Potter | The Jonathan Ross Show The Jonathan Ross Show 1,212,887 3 года назад
JONATHAN POTTER Yell 92 13 лет назад
Jonathan Potter - Dean of the School of Communication and Information Rutgers Libraries - New Brunswick 35 3 года назад
Presbyterian College Men's Soccer 2016 Recruiting Video Jonathan Potter 4,075 9 лет назад
DARGchive interview #8 with Derek Edwards (1/4) DARGchive 414 7 лет назад
Chicago Kendo Dojo Keiko-052413 chicagokendo1963 399 11 лет назад
UK Uni Taikai 2010 Kyu Final euro kendo (eurokendo) 361 14 лет назад
Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Series | Workshop 1- Session 1| Prof Andrew Johnston School of Geography and Planning Cardiff University 434 3 года назад
Dean College Accepted Students Day 2022 Dean College 1,395 2 года назад
Oxford Kendo - Uni Taikai Ippon 2015 Aidan Daly 451 9 лет назад
NYC Kendo Club Promotional Video Accentrik_Productions 2,115 9 лет назад
JONATHAN POTTER vs OXFORD KENDO TEAM Marin Agus Din 68 11 лет назад
Potter and Wetherell in Discourse Analysis. Discourse Analyzer AI Toolkit 55 6 месяцев назад
Brenda Starr & Jonathan Potter at Todd Herendeen Theatre Victor Bianchine 41 4 года назад
[A4ID] - Interview with Jonathan Potter and Christine Williamson Advocates for International Development (A4ID) 238 13 лет назад
JONATHAN POTTER vs UCL KENDO TEAM Marin Agus Din 327 11 лет назад
Jonathan Potter, Executive director, People In Aid Bioforce 157 11 лет назад
Brattleboro Rotary Club Speaker Series: Episode 22 - Jonathan Potter Brattleboro Community TV 23 4 года назад
DARGchive interview #7 with Jonathan Potter (2/2) DARGchive 258 7 лет назад
Jonathan Potter DY Rutgers University 16 2 года назад
A Day in the Life of SC&I Dean Jonathan Potter Rutgers School of Communication and Information 583 7 лет назад