Georges Seurat

Georges Seurat: Great Art Explained Great Art Explained 367,790 2 года назад
Seurat, A Sunday on La Grande Jatte Smarthistory 311,919 12 лет назад
Seurat | Courtauld's Impressionists | National Gallery The National Gallery 15,366 6 лет назад
Georges Seurat | Arty History | ZeeKay Junior ZeeKay Junior 50,682 8 лет назад
The Lighthouse at Honfleur, 1886, Georges Seurat National Gallery of Art 1,956 10 лет назад
Georges Seurat | LONG STORY SHORT Talk About Art 10,508 3 года назад
Georges Seurat: A collection of 135 works (HD) LearnFromMasters 45,018 6 лет назад
Seurat, Bathers at Asnières Smarthistory 66,599 13 лет назад
Georges Seurat - Pointilleux pointilliste Jean Mineraud (Les dessous du visible) 15,677 5 лет назад
DDR Schulküche Tomatennudel mit Jagdwurst 3thedward 62,991 7 месяцев назад
Wassily Kandinsky - Der Klang der Farbe moriundmori - Kunst und Künstler 16,643 2 года назад
Amo & Aymen - PICASSO (prod. von Lord JKO, PTL, Dj Samir) [Official Video] 385idéal 1,458,243 5 месяцев назад
Georges Seurat's Sunday on La Grande Jatte | Art Institute Essentials Tour The Art Institute of Chicago 42,168 4 года назад
Unveiling Georges Seurat: Master of Neo-Impressionism and Pointillism ART EXPLAINED CHANNEL 253 1 год назад
Georges Seurat - The Great Masters of Painting Culture Tube 34,692 3 года назад