Gabrielle Dubois Meloff

NIGHT SHIFT ROUTINE AS A NURSE | Get Ready For My 12-Hour Night Shift With Me Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 11,126 4 года назад
Become "That Girl" – Create a Maintenance Routine Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 2,981 7 месяцев назад
My Capsule Makeup Collection | Minimalist Clean Beauty Journey Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 18,815 3 года назад
Want Long, Healthy Hair? This is Where You Start! (Week 3) Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 1,912 5 месяцев назад
Get The Parisian Look With These 6 French Beauty Tips! Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 4,536 1 год назад
Unlock Your Attractiveness | 15 Glow-Up Habits & Hacks to Elevate Your Look Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 2,150 5 месяцев назад
MY 5 BEST & WORST CLEAN MASCARAS | THE GREEN BELLE Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 16,554 5 лет назад
Pack With Me | Travelling to Italy for a Wedding Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 18,665 1 год назад
VLOG | valentines day, day before work, being productive, closet clean out Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 546 2 года назад
Italy Travel Vlog | Airport Outfit, Arriving in Italy for the Wedding Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 7,814 1 год назад
How to Look Effortlessly Chic & Put Together | Makeup Look Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 4,261 3 года назад
48hrs Vlog | bachelorette planning, pilates, pedicure & kir royale Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 672 2 года назад
Travel Makeup Essentials | Tropical Beach Vacay | Non-Toxic, Green Beauty Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 5,431 5 лет назад
How to Get the Model Off-Duty Look Without Mascara Gabrielle Dubois Meloff 2,615 1 месяц назад