Food For Thought 313

The conversation they refused to have thenthey want to have now FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 1,820 1 час назад
Wow…this is too big to ignore..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 11,282 18 часов назад
They thought they had you fooled, but whatever you did needs an encore FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 15,455 1 день назад
You’re about to change things in a big way..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 12,670 2 дня назад
Virgo ️-humbled…They should’ve never pretended not to care FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 4,523 2 дня назад
Libra ️-trying their best to numb the pain..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 2,821 2 дня назад
Jokes on them..their pride will be their downfall..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 10,799 4 дня назад
Embarrassed..This is bothering them in the worst way..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 16,228 6 дней назад
They thought they had you fooled, but whatever you did needs an encore FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 15,455 1 день назад
These are not the type of games you play and they know it..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 11,942 8 дней назад
Speechless..You’re about to get more than you expected… tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 16,204 7 дней назад
You’re about to change things in a big way..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 12,670 2 дня назад
Guilty conscience… Said and did alot of things they’re not proud of FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 18,714 3 недели назад
Karma is having its way and it ain’t nothing nice..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 18,933 12 дней назад
Someone is missing the old you…consequences..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 11,172 7 дней назад
they thought they had you all figured out..emotionally attached.. FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 16,492 2 недели назад
They would never admit this but you already know the truth FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 13,230 2 недели назад
You didn’t see this coming..tarot reading FOOD FOR THOUGHT 313 12,127 3 недели назад