Ferris Jay

EFT tapping for pets that itch and scratch. Ferris Jay 1,513 8 лет назад
B-School w/ Marie Forleo vid by Ferris Jay Ferris Jay 2,734 12 лет назад
Coping with grief and Pet Loss : interview with Ferris Jay The Spiritual Dog Trainer 108 1 год назад
Bringing Love to Your Cells - a Meditation Ferris Jay 1,446 12 лет назад
Let's Talk to Animals with Shannon Cutts and Ferris Jay Shannon Cutts 0 1 месяц назад
Appreciate your pets (with EFT tapping) Ferris Jay 418 9 лет назад
So, what happens in my distance pet healing sessions? Ferris Jay 373 8 лет назад
Your attitude can help your pet to heal Ferris Jay 563 8 лет назад
Christmas Pet Loss Grief (with EFT tap-along) Ferris Jay 440 8 лет назад
A simple energy healing technique for pets. Ferris Jay 44,001 8 лет назад
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Ferris Wheel Jay - Soho (Prod. by TrakFormaz) - Official Video Ferris Wheel Jay 37,241 9 лет назад
Are you ready to help your pets to thrive? Ferris Jay 405 9 лет назад
John and Gordy John Kovolac and Jay Ferris John Peterson 6 4 года назад
EFT tapping case study / pep talk for pet lovers. Ferris Jay 169 8 лет назад