Dāv Kaufman S Adventures

BROOKFIELD ZOO TOUR with @SnakeDiscovery and @CatAleah!! Dāv Kaufman's Adventures 27,579 2 года назад
TOURING THE MOST AMAZING REPTILE ROOM IN THE WORLD! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 426,756 6 лет назад
THE MOST REMOTE ZOO IN THE WORLD! Dāv Kaufman's Adventures 14,129 6 месяцев назад
SAVANNAH MONITORS IN THE WILD (are we keeping them correctly?) Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 82,662 2 года назад
Touring the AQUARIUM OF THE BAY! (Sharks, Otters, Marine animals, and more!) Dāv Kaufman's Adventures 4,877 2 года назад
I FOUND MY DREAM SNAKE IN MADAGASCAR! (Herping Madagascar, chameleons, rare frogs, and more!) Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 29,555 2 года назад
Crocodile Monitor BITES are NASTY! Kamp Kenan 218,676 6 лет назад
SHE HAS EVERY BEARDED DRAGON MORPH! (Heather Moye of FairyTail Dragons!) Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 422,268 4 года назад
THE MOST AWESOME PARROT AVIARY YOU'VE EVER SEEN REVISITED! Dāv Kaufman's Adventures 91,101 1 год назад
SCHAUMBURG NARBC REPTILE EXPO! July, 2024 Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 35,183 7 месяцев назад
UROMASTYX IN THE WILD! (are we keeping them correctly?) Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 99,458 6 лет назад
The Best Bearded Dragon Boutique in the World! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 564,465 7 лет назад
We Made our Reptiles Pumpkin Pie for Thanksgiving!! Snake Discovery 1,310,738 2 года назад
AMAZING REPTILE HOUSE at the Sedgwick County Zoo! Dāv Kaufman's Adventures 20,789 1 год назад
BALL PYTHONS IN THE WILD (An Original Film) Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 507,219 2 года назад
SAN ANTONIO ZOO TOUR! Reptile House, Aquarium, Rhinos, and more! Dāv Kaufman's Adventures 29,127 10 месяцев назад
TOURING A NEW REPTILE EXPO! | All American Reptile and Plant Expo, Denver, Co. Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 47,723 5 месяцев назад
I FOUND THE WEIRDEST SNAKE IN THE BAHAMAS! Bahamas herping adventure! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 10,352 1 месяц назад
THE BOA CONSTRICTOR MOVIE (An Original Film) Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 62,771 1 месяц назад
I WORK AT SNAKE DISCOVERY FOR A DAY! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 130,644 1 год назад
ZOO MIAMI TOUR! Reptiles, Birds, & More! Dāv Kaufman's Adventures 6,210 3 месяца назад
THE GREATEST REPTILE ROOM IN THE COUNTRY! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 116,506 4 года назад
HOG ISLAND - MORE THAN JUST BOAS! Reptiles of Hog Island, Honduras! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 16,754 6 месяцев назад
REPTILE SUPER SHOW LAS VEGAS 2022! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 80,986 2 года назад
SEARCHING FOR THE BIGGEST, DEADLIEST SNAKE IN AFRICA! Dāv Kaufman's Reptile Adventures 78,450 2 года назад