Dollemore Daily

Low-Energy & Unwell Trump STRUGGLES TO TELL STORY About How Smart He Is! Jesse Dollemore 76,042 4 месяца назад
the morning after... Jesse Dollemore 263,907 4 месяца назад
TRUMP’S BRAIN COLLAPSES as He Rambles About Being Dictator on Day One!!! Jesse Dollemore 58,108 5 месяцев назад
Trump Announces Imperial Plan: HIS LONGTERM OWNERSHIP OF GAZA!!! Jesse Dollemore 46,627 1 месяц назад
House Republicans TO FORMALLY CONDEMN TEACHINGS OF JESUS CHRIST!!! Jesse Dollemore 99,822 1 месяц назад
Trump ICE Gestapo DETAINS AMERICAN CITIZEN & MILITARY VET Without Warrant!!! Jesse Dollemore 1,003,482 1 месяц назад