Diana Girnita

How 2025 Could END Rheumatoid Arthritis Forever! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 32,941 3 месяца назад
10 Alimente TOXICE pentru artrita reumatoida! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 41,401 1 месяц назад
NU mai credeți în aceste mituri stupide ale testelor ANA! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 24,504 3 месяца назад
7 Most DANGEROUS Foods for Arthritis - Don’t Eat! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 195,853 4 месяца назад
The Ultimate Diet Guide for Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Comprehensive Approach Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 28,566 1 год назад
Alimente de sărbători care declanșează artrita: explica reumatologul Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 11,106 2 месяца назад
10 cele mai bune alimente antiinflamatoare pentru artrită Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 36,763 7 месяцев назад
There’s Nothing To Do But Let Go - Jim Carrey On Depression T&H - Inspiration & Motivation 3,527,135 1 год назад
STOP Ignoring Your Body: The Fibromyalgia Connection You Never Knew Existed Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 8,075 9 месяцев назад
Diet And Rheumatoid Arthritis - Eat Like This For Maximum Pain Reduction Rheumatoid Arthritis Solutions 38,263 1 год назад
Want Accurate Rheumatoid Arthritis Diagnosis? Watch This Now Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 13,023 9 месяцев назад
7 Incredible Foods That Calm Autoimmune Diseases Women's Wellness Channel 508,790 3 года назад
10-Year Old Rheumatoid Arthritis Gone in 3 Months | Satvic Movement Satvic Movement 2,895,417 4 года назад
Implanturile mamare pot provoca boli autoimune? (explicat de expertul reumatolog) Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 2,298 1 месяц назад
9 MITURI PERICULOASE despre Artrita Reumatoidă! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 11,149 2 месяца назад
3 cele mai bune suplimente pentru boli autoimune! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 61,980 5 месяцев назад
Are you battling an autoimmune disease alone? Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 8,283 8 месяцев назад
Cele mai grave 3 boli autoimune! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 14,738 5 месяцев назад
Best Foods for Sjogren's Syndrome: a rheumatologist perspective Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 83,216 2 года назад
10 ALARMING SJOGREN'S Syndrome Symptoms: Rheumatologist Explains Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 438,858 10 месяцев назад
15 BEST Anti-Inflammatory Foods to Eat Now! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 15,001 3 месяца назад
Gout It's Not Your Fault ! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 3,132 2 месяца назад
Întrebările Dvs. Răspuns de un Reumatolog, Dr. Diana Girniță Dr. Andrea Furlan 6,389 11 месяцев назад
How Extra Weight Is SILENTLY Damaging Your Kidneys Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 1,795 4 месяца назад
Deborah Sawaf: Mental Health Is Not a Trend, It’s a Necessity for LIFE! Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 755 2 месяца назад
Sjogren's Syndrome: Top 5 Vitamins to Help Your Symptoms Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 101,556 2 года назад
How to Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis Flare Ups | Tips and Tricks Dr. Diana Girnita - Rheumatologist OnCall 51,690 2 года назад