Dave S Wreaths And Things

Dollar Tree Woodland Ruffle Deco Mesh Fall Wreath - Wreath DIY - EASY DIY Dave's Wreaths and Things 99,900 1 год назад
Easter Pancake Wreath - Wreathster Week Episode 1 - #easter @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 17,193 13 дней назад
3 Dollar Tree Cross Wreaths - Wreath DIYs - #cross @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 68,390 1 месяц назад
Dollar Tree Candy Cane Wreath DIY#1 - Shorts - Christmas DIY - #christmas @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 51,939 4 месяца назад
Wreath Bow Tutorial - Five Ways Compilation Video - Easy Bow DIY Dave's Wreaths and Things 400,217 2 года назад
Zero Fray Deco Mesh Wreath - The Nadia Method - Wreath DIY - #wreath @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 35,474 11 месяцев назад
Fall Ribbon Wreath DIY - Fall Wreathathon - Wreath DIY - Easy DIY #fallwreath Dave's Wreaths and Things 78,131 1 год назад
Easter 21" Deco Mesh Poof Style Wreath - Easter DIY - #easter @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 23,695 1 месяц назад
Santa Wreath - Wreathmas Week Day 4 - Christmas DIY - #christmas @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 20,098 4 месяца назад
Christmas Stir Stick Swag - Christmas DIY - Easy DIY - #christmas @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 28,027 3 месяца назад
Dollar Tree 6" Deco Mesh Poof Wreath - Wreathmas Week Day 5 - #christmas @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 36,630 4 месяца назад
3 Easy Ways to Make Bows - Easy Bow Tutorial - #howtomakeabow Dave's Wreaths and Things 160,505 1 год назад
Ruffle Wreath Using A UITC Wreath Kit - Wreath DIY - #wreath @DavesWreaths Dave's Wreaths and Things 19,753 1 месяц назад