Cobb Institute

The Process Perspectives of John Elof Boodin Cobb Institute 41 55 лет назад
2024 Certificate Program Commencement Cobb Institute 46 2 месяца назад
Metamodern Spirituality and Archaic Futurism Cobb Institute 158 2 месяца назад
Divestment From Fossil Fuels As Climate Change Strategy Cobb Institute 63 3 месяца назад
A Complexity Lens For Issues of Meaning and Value Cobb Institute 199 3 месяца назад
The Cobb Institute: We Put Process Philosophy To Work Cobb Institute 1,580 4 года назад
The Process Perspectives of John Elof Boodin Cobb Institute 41 55 лет назад
Robert Mesle – Becoming a Thinker in Process Cobb Institute 1,841 4 года назад
Rupert Sheldrake on the Influence of A. N. Whitehead Footnotes2Plato 63,573 4 года назад
Tim Eastman Unties the Gordian Knot - Session 1 Cobb Institute 1,495 3 года назад
John Cobb Jr.: What is Whitehead's Most Important Contribution to Philosophical Theology? Loyola Productions Munich - Visualizing Minds 1,096 7 лет назад
John Cobb Jr.: Why is Whitehead's Philosophy Still Relevant in the 21st Century? Loyola Productions Munich - Visualizing Minds 407 7 лет назад
Process Thought at a New Threshold Cobb Institute 483 4 года назад
Session 4: Rebecca Parker :: Apr 30 @middlechurch Middle Church 248 7 лет назад
Sunday Worship June 19, 2022 Claremont United Church of Christ 222 2 года назад
John Cobb’s 98th Birthday Celebration Cobb Institute 466 2 года назад
Celebrating Pomona: Introduction Cobb Institute 51 1 год назад
Cobb Institute FCCA Climate Symposium Recap Florida Clinicians for Climate Action 2 3 года назад
Rev. Anthony Evans Presents "The Cobb Institute Participant Experiences in Clinical Trials" National Black Church Initiative TV 4 5 месяцев назад
Why is Pomona so important to the Cobb Institute? Cobb Institute 47 4 года назад
Probing Process & Reality - "Why Whitehead?" Cobb Institute 38,789 5 лет назад
Webinar for the Cobb Institute 58 1 месяц назад
The Cobb Institute by John B. Cobb, Jr. Claremont United Church of Christ 655 2 года назад