Chris Fothergill

Chedworth Roman Villa - Wall Mural Chris Fothergill 617 12 лет назад
Fishmarket Venice Watercolour Painting Demo by Chris Fothergill Chris Fothergill 4,149 10 лет назад
Artist in Residence - Chipping Norton Theatre Chris Fothergill 58 10 лет назад
Watercolour Painting Workshop Day - Chedworth Roman Villa Chris Fothergill 435 12 лет назад
Watercolour painting Campo SS Giovanni e Paulo Venice Chris Fothergill 119 6 лет назад
Travels with my Art - The Cities of Umbria 2010 Chris Fothergill 814 14 лет назад
Painting in the Almonry, Chipping Campden Chris Fothergill 105 14 лет назад
Travels with my Art - Exhibition of Paintings 2009 Chris Fothergill 47 15 лет назад
Painting Tuition Castelvecchio Chris Fothergill 56 13 лет назад
Painting Holiday in Tuscany Chris Fothergill 93 13 лет назад
Sketchbook Fun with Chris Fothergill! Chris Fothergill 659 12 лет назад
Danny Boy on the violin by Chris Fothergill Chris Fothergill 146 14 лет назад