Biblical Authorship Investigation

Who Wrote the Gospels? 6 Ancient Sources Tell Us Testify 52,107 4 года назад
How Do You Prove That the Bible Is True? (John MacArthur) Grace to You 217,171 12 лет назад
Investigating the Bible's Relevance Today | Parable Parable - Religious History Documentaries 31,645 2 года назад
BIBLE = MYTH 1: Questionable Origins and Authorship Sankara Patrice Bishop 4,157 7 лет назад
What does the original Hebrew text reveal about Genesis 1-11? - Dr. Steve Boyd Is Genesis History? 3,312,654 4 года назад
When Was the Bible Written? UsefulCharts 235,690 2 года назад
Who Decided the Books of the Bible? (Biblical Canon Explained) Bible Animations 293,744 1 год назад
4. The Reliability of the New Testament (Authorship & Dating) InspiringPhilosophy 120,653 9 лет назад
Does Biblical Scholarship Destroy Faith? Bart D. Ehrman 59,161 1 год назад
Divine Inspiration: How the Bible Fails the Test of Single Authorship Apostate of Mind Podcast 2,706 1 год назад
Naked Bible Podcast 218 — Authorship and Date of the Book of Job Houseform Apologetics 9,406 6 лет назад