
Could gangstalking be real? BenedictineTheTruth 886 12 часов назад
This is as gnostic as it gets, we live in a parasitic society BenedictineTheTruth 1,632 1 день назад
This is my worst breakup to date BenedictineTheTruth 1,717 1 день назад
Reality is an endless maze. What are we supposed to think? BenedictineTheTruth 1,569 2 дня назад
There is always a catch in the hell realm BenedictineTheTruth 2,189 3 дня назад
Being too good in a hell realm isn't really a good thing BenedictineTheTruth 2,151 4 дня назад
The greatest lie ever told is that life is a gift BenedictineTheTruth 2,975 5 дней назад
We are all in pain, but what can we expect in a hell realm BenedictineTheTruth 1,959 6 дней назад
F everything, I'm turning heel too BenedictineTheTruth 2,879 7 дней назад
God is not good BenedictineTheTruth 2,065 2 года назад
This is my worst breakup to date BenedictineTheTruth 1,717 1 день назад
Why I'm a Gnostic Antinatalist in 2024 BenedictineTheTruth 1,582 1 год назад
Only your mind exists. That's the ultimate secret BenedictineTheTruth 3,666 4 месяца назад
No one is coming to save anyone. I'm sorry BenedictineTheTruth 2,840 3 месяца назад
I really hate this realm BenedictineTheTruth 9,874 1 месяц назад
God should just press the red button cause this is just nonsense now BenedictineTheTruth 7,061 1 месяц назад
The UFO that i saw as a kid BenedictineTheTruth 599 1 год назад
How to deal with the matrix BenedictineTheTruth 3,944 4 месяца назад
My experience with being called ugly BenedictineTheTruth 1,688 1 год назад
man, let's beat this matriX BenedictineTheTruth 4,072 2 месяца назад
If this video finds you, WATCH it BenedictineTheTruth 4,023 1 месяц назад
How to deal with these NPCs BenedictineTheTruth 4,448 3 месяца назад
The majority of people hate their lives they just won't tell you BenedictineTheTruth 2,159 2 года назад
I'm sorry for how life treated you. There is no karma BenedictineTheTruth 5,005 5 месяцев назад
Hard determinism, Karma and Antinatalism BenedictineTheTruth 750 2 года назад
How I got this scar BenedictineTheTruth 1,206 11 месяцев назад
No children because having children would keep me tied to the hell realm BenedictineTheTruth 4,101 5 месяцев назад