Archimedes Mathatician

How Archimedes Almost Broke Math with Circles Ben Syversen 793,032 1 год назад
The Strangest Mathematician in History Newsthink 542,048 2 месяца назад
Archimedes: Greek scientist and mathematician discovermaths 8,285 2 года назад
Archimedes: The Mathematician Who Changed the World Two Minute People 833 2 года назад
Archimedes: The Greatest Mind in Ancient History Biographics 1,382,383 5 лет назад
Parabolas and Archimedes - Numberphile Numberphile 358,904 3 года назад
Timeline of Greatest Mathematicians Blue Speed 1,540,214 4 года назад
Archemedes inventions : Golden crown in water bath KnowForHow 425,535 8 лет назад
The HISTORY of MATHEMATICS. Documentary MIK 1,718,587 2 года назад
The best A – A ≠ 0 paradox Mathologer 435,508 1 год назад
The Archimedes Palimpsest GoogleTalksArchive 20,341 12 лет назад
The Ancient Mathematician Who Measured the Sun Ben Syversen 14,554 9 дней назад
10 Lines on Archimedes in English | Few Lines on Archimedes Pupa to Butterfly 32,150 2 года назад
Did Archimedes Write a Problem That Took 2,200 Years to Solve? Ben Syversen 645,627 9 месяцев назад
ARCHIMEDES of Syracuse - The Greatest Mathematician of Ancient History Few Minutes Knowledge 1,693 2 года назад
7 Greatest Mathematicians In History | Hex Planet Hex Planet 792,527 2 года назад
The $2 Million Lost Book of Archimedes Ben Syversen 174,129 4 месяца назад
Platon in 60 Minuten Dr. Walther Ziegler 136,421 11 месяцев назад
Tugendethik bei Aristoteles · Eudämonie als Ziel David Johann Lensing 117,932 5 лет назад
The Archimedes Number - Numberphile Numberphile 369,791 5 лет назад
Who was Archimedes, and what are his contributions to mathematics and science MrVed-History & biography 191 9 месяцев назад
Was Archimedes The Greatest Mathematician of All Time? Riddle | Math | Discovery 97 10 месяцев назад
Archimedes! Math Story Time! Kyne Santos 2,314 3 года назад