Andy Clark

How the brain shapes reality - with Andy Clark The Royal Institution 196,579 1 год назад
Andy Clark - What is Extended Mind? Closer To Truth 52,848 6 лет назад
Andy Clark - What is Consciousness? Closer To Truth 17,095 1 год назад
Extended You | Professor Andy Clark | TEDxLambeth TEDx Talks 13,095 5 лет назад
Andy Clark - What is the Mind-Body Problem? Closer To Truth 17,693 4 года назад
Andy Clark - How Do Human Brains Function? Closer To Truth 17,439 1 год назад
Andy Clark - Is the Mind Like a Computer? Closer To Truth 6,352 5 месяцев назад
Andy Clark - But for You (Official Music Video) Greywood Records 2,324 5 лет назад
Andy Clark: Happily Entangled: Emotions Cognition and the Predictive Mind Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh 12,445 7 лет назад
Andy Clark - What is Panpsychism? Closer To Truth 49,754 3 года назад
Andy Clark: Being and Computing: Are You Your Brain, and Is Your Brain a Computer? Philosophy at the University of Edinburgh 10,449 10 лет назад
How do you explain consciousness? | David Chalmers TED 1,447,333 10 лет назад
Andy Clark - Virtual Immortality Closer To Truth 13,653 6 лет назад
Motivation Andy Clark - Topic 19,672