American In The Netherlands

Should Americans Move to The Netherlands? T And T Go Dutch 49,601 1 год назад
Navigating sadness & a surf road trip to Ireland Lindsey Holland 3,267 1 день назад
Move to the Netherlands from the US | Helpful Tips for Beginners She Hit Refresh | Move Abroad After 30 3,109 2 года назад
7 WAYS to move to the Netherlands for Americans | Expat in Amsterdam A Wanderlust For Life (Jessica) 19,193 3 года назад
LIVING IN THE NETHERLANDS FOR 1 YEAR | Things You Should Know! Let's Meet Abroad 203,661 3 года назад
People In the Netherlands, How Many Languages Can They Speak? EXPLORING THE FOREIGN 57,928 2 года назад
REVERSE CULTURE SHOCK going back to America from the Netherlands A Wanderlust For Life (Jessica) 38,651 3 года назад
Dutch culture shocks | American in The Netherlands Will's Camera 53,812 2 года назад
Typical Dutch Culture, From An American Perspective Pt. 1 EXPLORING THE FOREIGN 55,043 2 года назад
10 Things that are NORMAL in the Netherlands but are LUXURIES in America! Dutch Americano 150,148 2 месяца назад
American TURNED DUTCH, 5 Ways I've Changed Since Moving to the Netherlands EXPLORING THE FOREIGN 79,289 2 года назад
Americans Moving To The Netherlands | 15 REASONS WHY Jess | Out Of America 9,564 1 год назад
SHOCKING things about living in the Netherlands as an American Boomdoze 14,390 3 месяца назад