ОтветитьViva la revolución - Fidel Castro
ОтветитьIt’s very interesting to show the highways on thé map
ОтветитьYou should try to do a alt history in if Vichy France entered the war on the side of the axis powers
ОтветитьGreat one, the other Cuban Revolution videos were confusing. Also Miami appears to be the most modernly wartorn city of America, first the 26th of July movement, then the Miami Drug War from the late 70s.
ОтветитьWho even fought for the Batista regime lmfao, even Kennedy didn’t support him. Cuba’s old government make the new one considered a good one
ОтветитьGood video!
ОтветитьSo the US briefly supported the revolution movement in 1958?
ОтветитьCould you do the Spanish-American war please?
ОтветитьSorry if it's out of context but, can anyone explain me why in the video about the Islamic insurgency in the Maghreb there is a Grey area (meaning Al Qaeda affiliated group) in Gaddafi's Cyrenaica?
ОтветитьYour contents are awsome!
ОтветитьGood job!
ОтветитьCan you make Chadian Civil War 2005-2010?
ОтветитьHey,if you get this Comment,I wanted to ask if you're will do A Video about the Ethiopian Revolution of 1976 if you have some time for it because there are no Mapping Videos about it
ОтветитьVietnam love Cuba
ОтветитьCan you do the Yemeni civil war?
Ответить"Let's revolt against a mild dictatorship and change it for a more oppressive one" had Castro in his Mind.
ОтветитьViva fidel. Love fidel castro
ОтветитьWho would win:
a Corrupt dictator
some communist bois wanting revolution
So that’s why Cuba’s stuck in the 60’s they just hit the pause button when they turned communist
ОтветитьFrom bad to worse
Ответитьy asi es como se destroza un pais....
ОтветитьDamn... Batista was a good dude
ОтветитьViva la Communist revolution
Ответитьi would know why the usa dnt invent vs. the communists.
ОтветитьWhy is Cuba shown occupying some of Florida?
ОтветитьIt's kind of strange that the Cuban revolution isn't referred to as the Cuban Civil War
ОтветитьAlways one of the saddest revolutions. They just traded an evil despotic dictator for another despotic evil dictator but red instead.
I feel for cuba. Cuba deserved better then this.
Came here after listening to Blowback season 2.
ОтветитьEven from your enemies you can learn so much
ОтветитьVIVA REVOLUCIÓN!!! 🇷🇸💖🇨🇺👑🏆🔥
ОтветитьCuba had so much potential, but just to be ruined by Castro.
ОтветитьThe cuban revolution is a personal or self interest of a one ambitious person named fedil castro,fedil castro was a lawyer, because he is lawyer he knows everything about human right and freedom of every person's,catro did not choose democrac style of government,that have human right and have freedom of every persons and have free election, he choose communism because castro wanted absolute power,he organized communist revulotion but his self interest revulotion to achieve his goal and ambition to become a commnist dictator leader iin cuba,that no one can opposed to him no one disagree with him no one can question to him and especially no free elections,
ОтветитьCubas downfall (mapped)
Ответитьtraitors, destroyed our country, communism is trash
Ответитьi liked the "GAME OVER" melody..
ОтветитьGlory to fidel, Che, Raul, Alberto and other great cuban revolutionaries, known and unknown who sacrificed themselves for cuban people and their freedom from the chains of Batista's fascistic militarism. Cuba Libre forever ❤❤❤